Chapter 18

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The annoying sound of my alarm clock Pierced through the room.

*Beep*, aargh not again!

*Beep*  "shut the hell up" I said grabbing the alarm clock and throwing it as far away as I possibly could, the plastic casing clattering against the wall. "stupid alarm clock" I muttered to myself.

Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I shook my head at my own impulsiveness. "get it together sanjh" I said to myself sitting across the bed looking in the mirror.
Regaining my composure I stood up slowly, my feet landing on the cold hardwood floor, the events of last night flooding back into my mind. The heated conversation I had with Dakshith still lingered on in my head fresh enough.

Though I can literally drown in these thoughts that contain nothing but Dakshith, I need to get ready for school.

I quickly went into the shower and got ready for school.

I was struggling to tie my hair up in a decent ponytail when mom said "Here, have your breakfast first"

"Alright!" I exhaled as I gave up on the idea of tying my hair up, they're just so short some pieces of hair never get tucked in, I'll just wear them down and leave them open and put on a headband.

After having my breakfast I checked up on my dad who was still sleeping which means I'll have to go on my own today.

The moment I entered the school a grin appeared on my face by getting the sight of Bhawna, she's finally here. As I was on my way to approach my bestie another bestie exclaimed behind "hey wait for me"

"Bold of you to go to a party without me" Bhawna teased

"We did go without you but guess who Anjali brought along as her date" I said

Anjali- "Oh shutup"

Bhawna - "No I wanna know go on Sanjh"

Sanjh - "She brought Vivek"

Bhawna- 'Oh my god wha-"

Sanjh- "Yes exactly and they were chatting and giggling the whole time"

Anjali - "How do you even know you were with Dakshith the entire time"

"Wait what? You were with Dakshith?" Bhawna said in confusion, "I thought you guys don't talk anymore after what happened"

"Yeah we don't, he came to the party probably because he had nothing else to do" I replied to her as we headed towards the classroom.

As we seated down we were greeted by Mrs. Verma "Good morning everyone"
She continued giving some unnecessary but kind greetings and finally started taking attendance.
After a few minutes,
"Listen everyone, I have to make an announcement" Mrs. Verma said putting the attendance register aside.

"I'm sure all of you are known to the fact that you're no longer juniors, from the moment you stepped into grade XI" she continued "And I'm also hoping that you all are aware of the grade XI ritual"

Wait is she talking about-?

"The class will be divided into three parts for the respective three streams, Science, Commerce and Humanities and from today onwards you all will have separate classrooms according to your Streams"

I felt guilty because, the moment Mrs. Verma mentioned the word separate my eyes involuntarily moved in Dakshith's direction only to find his eyes already on me, I didn't let the eye contact last more than a second cause I'm not strong enough for that I turned my head towards Anjali and Bhawna. We three glared at each other with pity but stopped when Mrs Verma said "And before I get you all seated in your classrooms I have to make another announcement" Not being able to assume what else could go any worse we patiently waited for her to complete.

"We have a new student among us, kindly be nice to her" Mrs.Verma said leading a gorgeous girl with long brown hair tied up in a braid. After a mere second of literally all the guys going crazy over her entry she finally introduced herself with the charm "Hey there everyone, I'm Mishika trivedi" 

While admiring her in slight jealousy I followed her gaze which was stuck at none other than Dakshith, they both locked eyes as if this isn't their first meeting, but something was different about the way they looked at each other, mishika's gaze was soft and Dakshith was looking at her as if he's forced to. Mishika walked towards him with a grin on her face "I'm so glad to see you here D"

So they know each other.

Dakshith being his usual self didn't care to move a bit and stiffenly sat on his desk with his arms crossed and folded against his chest while Mishika's hand hung in the air expecting a handshake. The tension between them slightly raised the temperature in the classroom.

Something about Dakshith became strange around mishika, he was absolutely being the narcissistic cold mean brat he is but he turned into a person I don't really recognise.

While everyone was busy looking at them Mrs. Verma made her stream division list and finally led us to our classroom.

The science classroom is on the 2nd floor which means I won't be on the same floor as Anjali and Dakshith, and my classroom was on the 3rd floor while Bhawna's was on the same floor as mine but in the left corridor.

After a few minutes of gloominess I said bye to anjali and bhawna hoping to find Dakshith somewhere around but strangely he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

I wanted to talk to him one last time before our classrooms separated. I want to discuss the events of last night.

As my eyes searched for him I heard something, a conversation or an argument, my curiosity increased and led me to look for the source of voices and that's when I found Dakshith talking to someone behind the wall
A girl, someone I'm not familiar with because I cannot identify the person from her voice, my curiosity peeked and I stood up on my toes looking out for who Dakshith's arguing with but I couldn't even move when I saw mishika hugging Dakshith "please, listen to me" she said to Dakshith as he took a step back.

What's going on?

You return like autumn and I fall all the timeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant