Chapter 17

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Dakshith's jaw clenched as he said "Are you here to bother her again?"

Something close to anger flickered in Aakash's eyes as he withdrew his hand.

Aakash- "What's your problem? why do you always wanna pick a fight with me"

I couldn't help but glance at Aakash then Dakshith then again at Aakash and again at Dakshith.

"Yeah, do you want to fight?" Dakshith said moving slightly further as he rolled his sleeves,

Absorbing the tension I quickly grabbed Dakshith's arm pulling him back towards me "Sorry Aakash, I'll talk to you sometime later, I need to take care of something"

"Sure" Aakash nodded, disappointment flickering over his face.

With a shaky breath, I removed Dakshith's hand from my waist and held his large rock-like hand pulling him as I walked making him follow me looking for a quiet corner of the room away from prying eyes and curious whispers, once I found a secluded spot I pushed his arm as he turned around facing me.

"What were you doing back there?" I said to him raising my eyebrows in frustration.

Receiving silence as an answer, my frustration grew even more "Why aren't you answering me? You said we aren't friends, Then why do you keep doing such things, making me feel as if we're something even more than friends?"

Dakshith's jaw stiffened, I could sense his anger, as his gaze was no longer warm or soft instead it grew even colder as he said "I don't get what you mean, you're the one who said I don't act like a friend and right now when I did when I tried to keep you away from someone who almost hurt you today you're mad at me?"

I let out a scoff allowing his words to settle.

"Fine, you wanna stay mad? Stay mad" he continued, "but do remember we're here as each other's date, and I would not like to share the girl I'm on a date with with any other guy, she belongs to me even if just for belong to me" he added letting out a shaky breath.

I couldn't help but look into his eyes, seeking help to make him understand how I didn't get a single word he just said. My eyes wandered over his stiffened face looking for answers in his eyes, as he took a step further towards me  I got so lost in the depth of his hazel brown eyes that one of my feet tripped again, but Dakshith's arms tightened their grip around my waist for the 100th time in the same day. God, I had never blushed this much ever in my life. I was still struggling to figure out why he wanted my company and didn't want me to be around any other guy, did he take the word 'date' too seriously, or did I mean something more than just a date to him? That can't be it though, he admitted he doesn't even consider me his friend so why is he acting this way? For what-so-ever reason he's Acting like this, I can't be a part of it, I need to know what I'm getting myself entangled into, without paying any further attention to how close his mouth was to my face I looked at my feet and asked him once again "what do you mean?"

Something similar to irritation flashed in his eyes "What is so hard to understand here?"

with a heavy sigh, I replied "Look dakshith, I'm just your date for tonight, I'm not your girlfriend"

His head turned at my words, and he searched my face with a sceptical expression. But his gaze didn't waver a bit when he answered "If that's the case, we can change that too"

We can change that too?
My lips snapped closed then opened back probably making me look like a fish, I am still not sure what he meant by it or did he just say it for the sake of it? It's really hard for me to trust Dakshith again or to understand him because when he promised to stay with me, he left for months, so does he mean the opposite of what he says?

A shaky breath left from Dakshith's mouth that rested on my temple making me want to melt here in his arm, "Never mind sanjh, I'm leaving now" he said as his hand was no longer on my waist. It didn't take him a minute to get out of my sight leaving me all alone here in this room where God knows why I was with him in the first place. I was left with strange emotions struggling to digest the words that escaped Dakshith's mouth, I wondered which one of those I should trust, him almost asking me to be his girlfriend or him admitting how he doesn't consider me as a friend.

The party is far from over but for me and perhaps for him too, the night is over.

It wasn't too soon since he left,
I managed to not trip again as he was no longer around to pull me up, I grabbed my purse and cell phone as I waved towards Anjali letting her know that I'd be leaving now, she was giggling and chatting with Vivek, just how cute these two look together. I wish I find someone like that too, someone I can be myself around and talk about silly things.

I finally left Vaani's apartment, after walking for seven minutes I reached home where I was greeted by my elder sister "WHERE WERE YOU"

"At Vaani's" I replied as I sat on the floor attempting to untie my heels,

"DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY TIMES WE CALLED YOU? WHY WEREN'T YOU PICKING THE PHONE?" she shouted again in the background to which I replied with a mere nod.

"Oh? You're not getting any dinner now sanjh" she scoffed somewhere behind my hair.

"Good for you, I don't have an appetite" I murmured as I thrashed on my bed right before falling asleep.
The last words I could hear before passing out were of my sister "WAIT IS THAT MY DRESS THAT YOU'RE WEARING?" And a vivid memory of her throwing pillows at me.

You return like autumn and I fall all the timeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang