Chapter 9

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Dakshith's throat must have hurt,his voice surely echoed in the entire floor, because he had shouted "Apologize to her"

Mr. Bansal was too stunned to say anything and Me too, probably everyone in the classroom. I had no idea why he did that.

He's protecting me, supporting me, arguing and shouting at a teacher, all that just for me. When I didn't even ask him to when we were not even close enough. My brain was filled with multiple types of thoughts. One of them was what is Mr Bansal gonna do now? Will he complain to the principal and Dakshith will be expelled from the school? Will he hit him?

But what Mr. Bansal did, was something I could never even think of.He pushed Dakshith off of him and said to him

"Why should I apologise to her? Do you not get it? Look at her, look at the length of her skirt, it's not even touching her knees. It is above that. So tell me, Don't you think she's asking for it?"

Before I could let in everything Bansal said a tear sloped down my cheek. My heart was stinging, I didn't know that a man can touch you in whatever way he wants just because you're wearing a skirt that isn't touching your knees. 

I wanted to get him off of my sight as soon as possible. I stepped out from my seat to leave this classroom but at the very moment, I was forced to flinch as it felt like someone flew past me. That familiar sense of warmth increased.

It was Dakshith, he grabbed Bansal by his collar and his fist was in the middle of the air too close to Bansal's face and that's when I stopped him.

I hugged him.

Maybe he wasn't realizing what he was doing, he can't just punch a teacher like that, and that too just for me. I don't want him to get expelled because of me. He has already crossed the line by grabbing his collar. I can't let him make it worse. Even though this is what Bansal deserves. 

For now, my concern was to stop Dakshith and I could not think of anything to do so.

That's why I hugged him and let my head rest on his chest, I allowed my arms to spread as much as they possibly could and let my fingers hold onto Dakshith's back.

Whenever he is close, whenever I get in contact with his body, it gives me a strange sense of comfort, 

it feels as if his body is saying, 'You're safe here. You can stay here for as long as you want.'

After a second of me hugging him, he finally hugged me back. Something about that hug was so different from all the other hugs ever.

His arms held me with compassion, care and comfort, he tightened his grip and held me close to him.

Everyone was looking at us, Bansal too. I was worried about what will he do next, I was worried if this hug could make it worse for me and Dakshith.

We hugged for a mere 3 seconds and that's when the school bell rang. The day is over. I have to let him go, I have to wait another day to see him.

I chinned up and looked at Dakshith, he was still hugging me tight but he was looking somewhere behind me, he was looking at Mr. Bansal, his eyes were shining with rage, and he was looking dead straight angry, it almost got me scared.

 But that's when Bansal left the class.

Just when he was about to step outside of the class I saw him looking at me.I was still in Dakshith's arms,

Bansal was staring at us and then our eyes met again, and I saw him whispering to himself"I am not gonna let this slide you bitch"

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