chapter 3

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"Hey chill, didn't mean to hurt anyone"

I hear another voice that I'm not familiar with

"Stop messing around okay? It's a classroom and who said you can throw anyone's bag like that"
dakshith says to him

"I think i told you to chill?" The anonymous guy replies

"Are you trying to pick a fight?" Dakshith stiffens and says to him

I think I should do something even though I know both of them can easily crush me right between their palms if they shake hands, but i should still do something.

"Hey it's okay just leave it" I say to dakshith while slightly touching his back which is as hard as rock

"What?" Dakshith says to me

"It's okay you don't have to protect me" I say

"Who's protecting you?"

"You" I reply

"I am not"

"Then why did you catch the bag and started arguing with him"

"Because it's my bag that he threw"

"What?" I say to him

God I'm so embarrassed why did I even care to join this conversation

I'm sure dakshith was about to say something mean but before that the anonymous guy interrupts us
He lets out a slight laugh and says

"Is it because of her?"

"None of your business, don't say anything about her" dakshith says to him

Why did he say that. He could have said something mean about me like he always does

"Why are you all not seated yet? The class is about to begin" Mrs. Verma says as she enters the classroom while giving the three of us a look .

I pat on dakshith's arm and walk towards my seat with anjali

I sit next to her when Mrs. Verma asks me

"Weren't you supposed to sit next to dakshith?"

"Oh yes, but I think I changed my mind" i reply to her

Mrs verma- "well okay but if you mess around again like you did in the morning assembly, I'll seat you next to him for the rest of the session" 

"What? Why? For the whole session?"

"Yes for the whole session, at least you'll be quiet then" she says to me

"I'd rather not come to school then" dakshith whispers to me

I want to shout at him again but i just got warned.

*Bell rings*

"This lecture went by so fast" anjali says in a tiring voice while playing with the pen

I take the pen from her hand and say to her
"Girl, next is math"

We both groan

"Hey do you know who that guy is by the way?" I ask her


"That anonymous guy who threw the bag towards us"

"Oh yeah i think his name is aakash"

"What stream he's in?" I say while truly hoping he's not in commerce

"Commerce with maths i think" anjali says

I'm doomed.

"Which stream are you in?" I find dakshith standing next to me

"Why?" I say

"Just tell me"

"Commerce with maths"

"Why?" He asks

"Why not?"

" I mean it seems like you hate maths then why choose a stream that's all about maths?"

Why is he being so nosy,  he's asking me things I'm really not in the mood to talk about

"I don't think we're close enough for me to tell you that" i reply to his question
he says to me as he proceeds to sit on the desk right in front of me

"Good morning everyone, I hope you all are having a great day"
Mr. Aggarwal says as he enters the class with a thick ass mathematic book In his hand which he can't even lift properly. He puts it on the teacher's table and says

"Let's start the class shall we?"
Mr. Aggarwal says

He's teaching us about derivatives today . I don't know what I'm gonna do I'm already feeling so tired and done.

"Hey tell fast 56+189" anjali says loudly

I had completely forgotten we were in math class

"Quick i wanna be the first one to solve this question I'm almost there" she says again loudly

"Ugh  I don't know "

"245" i hear dakshith say it with me

"Yes that's correct" mr Aggarwal says

" i was supposed to answer that" anjali whines

"You calculated that pretty fast?" Dakshith says to me

"Yeah so? What do you want?" I say to him

"You're annoying" he replies and then looks away.

"Hey is it okay if I take a nap?" I whisper to anjali

"Yeah okay I got you!" She says to me

"Thanks" I say to her with my head at the desk and eyes closed

*Bells ring*

I open my eyes but my head is still on the desk as I don't want to wake up just yet

"Hey what class do we have next?" I ask anjali

"We don't have a class right now,  and after the bell rings it'll be lunch time"

"Seriously? So I can continue to sleep"

"Yeah you can, I'm going to the basketball court everyone's there . See you in recess"

"Sure" i say to her and fall asleep

What time is it? How long did i sleep for? Is it recess already?

I'm confused as I wake up and find a guy sitting next to me .
It's him but why?

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