Chapter 15.2

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Sanjh's pov-

As we walk side by side, the silence fills in.
I want to talk to him about what happened two years ago, I want to ask him why he made those promises, I want to ask him why he left when I needed him the most.

I want to ask him if the feeling I get near him, is it mutual or not?

God, the silence feels so awkward, he's been staring at me for a while now. I hope there isn't something on my face.

"The weather is lovely isn't it?" I say to break the silence.

"Well, yeah it is" he replies sternly.

Agh, this isn't working I need to start a conversation I can't walk for 7 minutes in this awkward silence.

"Why did you agree to come to the party as my date?" I ask him.

After staring right at my eyes for three seconds he finally replies, "I wanted to"

Sanjh- "Yeah but why?"

Dakshith- "Because I don't get to hang out with my friends that often"

Sanjh- "We're friends?"

Dakshith - "We aren't?"

Sanjh - "I don't know, you never act like one"

Gosh, why did I say that
I wanted to start a conversation but I keep making it more awkward.

"What do you mean sanjh?"

"It's nothing, I just never felt like we're friends" I reply not wanting to dig back the past.

He stops walking, "Never?"

I pause at his word, a sudden guilt rushes down my face, wanting to erase the words I just said.

Before I speak he lets out a sigh again and says,"Yeah you're right, we aren't friends" leaving behind a raw ache in my chest.

In that moment, his words crashed down on me, the realisation hit me with a force, he's right, we aren't Friends, we never were. Maybe it was all in my head.

As Dakshith's words hung in the air, I couldn't shake the feeling that our bond had been irrevocably fractured, leaving behind nothing but the shattered remnants of what could've been.

"How much more do we have to walk?" he asks.

I take two seconds to swallow in all the thoughts and emotions I just felt a moment ago and look forward towards the street realising we've already crossed Vaani's house.

Shit, how far did we come?

"What's wrong?" He says in confusion

"Oh, um nothing it's just.." I hesitate

"What is it sanjh?" He asks again forcing me to look up at him.

"We accidentally passed ahead of her house" I say to him making my eyes squint expecting a punch.

"Jesus, sanjh" he whispers to himself

"What?" I ask

Dakshith- "I thought something else happened to you, was it just this? Are you sure you're okay?"

Sanjh- "Wait what did you think?"

Dakshith- "leave it, we're getting late let's go"

We rush back to Vaani's house and walk as fast as we can because we're already very late.

The moment I get the sight of her house, a slight smile reaches my mouth.

"Look, we're here" I say pointing towards her house to dakshith grabbing his arm as I struggle to walk any further.

"Finally" he whispers, "are you okay?"

"Oh yes yes I'm absolutely fine it's just my legs are sore after all this running and walking" I say as I stumble.

Dakshith-"Easy there"

I nod. But as I swing my leg over to fix my dress I start to lose my balance and Before I can fall, Dakshith's arm shoots out, wrapping securely around my waist, pulling me close to him.

Dakshith: "hey, careful"

His voice is calm and reassuring, his breath warm against my ear. I feel a rush of warmth spreading through me as I lean into his touch, my heart racing with uncertainty.

I let out a breath "sorry my feet slipped"

Our eyes meet, and for a moment, it feels like the world around us fades away. In that fleeting instant, I can see the depth of emotion reflected in his gaze, a silent understanding passing between us.

"Steady now, Sanjh." Dakshith says slightly loosening his grip off of me but his hand still remains on my waist.

His voice is soft, sending shivers down my spine. As I steady myself, our faces draw unintentionally closer, the tension between us thick with unspoken desire. I can feel the heat of his breath on my skin, his eyes searching mine with an intensity that makes my knees weak.

But before I can say anything more, I notice his lips are inches from mine, a silent invitation hanging in the air. Every fiber of my being screams to close the gap, to surrender to the longing that pulses between us.

Dakshith -" Sanjh I ..."

Just as our lips are about to meet, Vaani's voice pierces the moment, breaking the spell.

Vaani - "Hey lovebirds!, hate to interrupt but the party's calling. Let's head inside!"

I quickly get away from dakshith and steady myself.

Fuck, what's wrong with me?
Oh god have I gone insane or what?
I can't believe I was about to kiss Dakshith Malhotra, the guy who's my academic rival, the guy who ghosted me straight for 4 months after promising he won't go anywhere, the guy who is nothing but a mean arrogant brat and the very same guy who just said we aren't friends.

I quickly step away from him and head inside the house with vaani,
Dakshith follows us in.

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