Chapter 19

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My heart sank like a stone,
Even though I and Dakshith are not even friends I crave him all the time, and now when I get the sight of a random girl hugging Dakshith I can't help but whisper loudly "What's going on?"

Not expecting to be heard, I attempted to hide behind the wall as Dakshith probably looked over,

I squint my eyes wanting to just disappear when this masculine breath catches my ear "Sanjh?" Dakshith said

"Oh, h-hey" I stuttered,
Someone flew past Dakshith and a hand appeared in front of me "Hey there, I am Mishika. And you must be sanjh" Mishika said as she shook my hand politely.

She seems nice overall.

"Hey, nice to meet you" I replied to Mishika forcing a smile not being able to make eye contact with either of them.

"Well, I was just about to leave," I said as I took a step back now facing the wall again trying to hide my awkward emotions,

I almost startled as
Dakshith quickly said, "Wait," grabbing my arm, surprising both me and Mishika. I turned around, speechless, while Mishika's jaw stiffened a bit, She stared at us with a glare and said to Dakshith, "Let's go, we're getting late D"

Yeah, that's right, they're closer than me and Dakshith could ever get, she calls the most arrogant, unsocial, unapproachable guy in our school by a nickname, I wonder what Dakshith calls Mishika, could it be Mish? Or M?

I almost forgot my arm was still held by Dakshith but then Mishika said "D, let's go"

"You can go if you're late Mishika, I need to talk to her"  

So, Dakshith calls her just by her name, and not a nickname, a strange relief took settlement in me but soon vanished when I caught up on Dakshith's words
He wants to talk to me?

I didn't even realise that Mishika had already left and now I'm here alone standing with Dakshith in this narrow stairway,

Dakshith - "Why were you here sanjh?"

To tell you how much I crave you and can't stand seeing you next to some other girl hugging her.
Shit, shit, what's up with me?

Dakshith- "Care to answer?"

I Shook my head as I collected some appropriate words "Well, It's nothing I just wanted to apologise for last night, I may or may not have acted a bit rude" I finally said looking into his eyes.

Not expecting anything from Mr. Emotionless I broke the eye contact allowing my eyes to settle on somewhere above his broad shoulders, I have known Dakshith for a while now, It will only be reasonable if he acts like a jerk to me Apologising. Come on, react already, Say shit to me, push me away, or simply just walk away like you always do Dakshith, what is it? Show me how you will react to me sincerely apologising, make me not want to do it ever again.

I was expecting anything but this, A giggle left his mouth, then another, and it took a few more giggles for me to realise he was genuinely laughing, his grin as charismatic as a pink sunset, his eyes narrowed and shut against me wanting me to capture this moment, his laugh as sound full as a bird's chirping that wakes you up in the summers, this genuine laughter of his makes me smile too. Dakshith Malhotra what an unexpected guy you are.

His laughter slowly faded away but his gaze was still warm and soft, the absolute opposite of how he looked at Mishika.

"You did nothing that you should be apologizing for Sanjh," Dakshith said with a smile, "I should be the one apologising, I should have at least walked you home, but instead I just left you alone again"


The past almost lingered back at me but went away as Dakshith continued "Also, I'm not sure how much you saw or heard, but it's nothing as it seems"

Is he talking about Mishika?
Oops, so he knows I was overhearing their conversation. But wait, why is he telling me it's nothing as it seems, is it because he wants me to feel less pathetic

"Oh, um actually it's not like that I was just looking for you and accidentally overhead your Conversation, I'm sorry about th-" I struggled to finish my sentence as I was interrupted by Dakshith-.

"You were looking for me?"  He said it too strangely and almost seemed like a mischief to me.

"Wait that's not what I mean-" I struggled once again but this time because Dakshith took a step forward, and then a step even closer to me, his breath resting on my collarbone as he whispered in my right ear
"Look for me again Sanjh"


Dakshith- "We're getting late for class now, I'll see you later"
He said as he simply walked away unaware of how he made me feel a second ago.

You return like autumn and I fall all the timeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum