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'' I wouldn't touch her if I were you,'' Zack said. My knight and shining armour.

Wait what

What am I saying

Maybe I'm not feeling well

'' dare you touch you know who my son is. With just one snap I can throw you out of the house.'' She said angrily well this  really got interesting.
'' Quiet woman,'' Liam matt is father shouted and pulled her before she said anything more.
'' Why did you do that? Don't you know that you just embarrassed me in front of these low lives?'' She said.
'' If you don't shut up I will slap you this instance. Don't you know who you are talking to? This is the CEO of the Su company Zack Sullivan.'' He said. He then turned to Zack.
'' Forgive my wife, she is a very ignorant person.''
'' Why are you apologising its my baby you need to apologise too,'' Zack said.

Wait did I hear him right

Did he just call me baby

I can feel my face going red. I know Zack just enjoys see me embarrass myself.

'' Come on tell her,'' Liam whispered to Audrey. Audrey who was still shocked that I was dating the( read the as thee) Zack Sullivan.

Yeah that's right I'm dating Zack Sullivan why would I need Matt Flynn.
'' I'm sorry Iris,'' she said.

'' That must be the reason why Mayy was dumped by Iris,''
'' I would do it too I mean this is Zack Sullivan we are talking about.''
'' Matt must have been so upset that he went to go and date the sister.''
'' what an embarrassment,''
Their was a small crowd that watched the entire scene. To be honest I don't really care.

Dorcas also heard everything that had happened. She went up on stage.
'' Thank you everyone for coming here to celebrate Matt and Riana engagement party today. Some of you may be surprised that it is Matt and Riana is engagement and not Matt and Iris. I was also surprised when I heard that Iris and Matt had broken up. You know what I think Iris should be the one to explain this. Iris please come up on stage.''

What a hypocrite. Anyway I am fine as long as Zack is by my side. Zack helped me go up on stage. After that I told him to go back down thankfully he did.
'' Hello everyone as you may all know my name is Iris Carter. I know most of you think that Iris and I are together. I mean of course we dated for some years but to tell you the truth I just don't think we are compatible.'' I looked at Dorcas who signalled me to get off the stage.

I guess she is now happy. In fact why should I care. In such a family you need to learn to be selfish.

Here goes nothing

'' No I can't do this. Sorry everyone I lied to you. The truth is my grandmother and stepmother paid me to tell you that. If you think I'm lying ask them. Grandma am I lying?'' She was frozen, '' see she cannot even deny it. I didn't dump Matt just because I thought we were not compatible but because he was cheating on me with my sister...I wanted everyone to know the truth.''

'' Iris what do you think you are doing. Do you want everyone to pity you. Matt and Riana are together because they love each other and you can not accept that...mum are you really going to let her badmouth your granddaughter like that?'' Sarah shouted.
'' mum please don't shout at sister it is my fault for falling in love with Matt,'' Ariana ( I Call her riana because I Ariana is long) cried.

This is the first time I saw Sarah today. If she didn't speak she have at least been safe but  I will bring on the heat. If its Ariana I won't even let her off that easily especially since she tried talking to my Zack.

I admit that I am still jealous but Zack does not need to know that.
'' Iris get down of the stage now!'' Dorcas and Chris shouted in unison.

I looked at them. I felt like laughing. These people really knew how to act.
'' grandma you sent me out of the house to another without a penny  when I returned Riana wanted take me to the bar to celebrate my return but she drugged me. When I managed to escape from it.... I went straight to Liam's place so that he could comfort me... Little did I know that ...I would find him with my sister being intimate with each other if you don't believe me I have proof of what happened that day.'' I cried. This was to show Riana that she was not the only one who could cry. I played the video. The whole room was quiet.

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