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After what Iris did, I would make sure that she would not be happy. Everything that belonged to her would be mine. I will make sure that she embarranses herself.
" Let's go," I heard Matt say.
" Matt, why does my sister treat me like this? Why doesn't she want me to be happy? Matt I'm afraid that we will have to break up because of her." I sobbed in Matt is arms. He lifted me and carried me out of the cafe. I hid my face in his chest so that no one could recognize me.
" Do not worry, your sister is still hurt from the break up. She still loves you and no one can ever separate us not even Iris. Let us first try to let everyone know about me and Iris is break up without knowing why we broke up." Matt said trying to comfort me. Did he really think that I loved Iris, not a chance.
" Don't worry Matt, about Iris leaving the company. Since I am already becoming popular, it would be a good idea if I enter your company. After all I have some talents and the certificates to prove it." I lied on the certificates, I wasn't that talented. All the talents I had were the ones that Iris dreamed of having. I had to make Matt stop thinking about Iris. Recently, he had not been giving me the attention I deserved. I had to think of a plan and fast.

Ever since the incident. Iris had changed so much. When we broke up I was happy that I could finally be with Riana. On the other hand I thought she would be traumatized and cling to me. I thought she would even work harder which would be good for business. Could it really true that she had found someone already. When I heard the conversation between her and grandpa Harrison, it made me feel uneasy that she looked happier than when she was with me. What's wrong with me? I shouldn't be thinking of her, I am now with Riana who sometimes irritates me. I don't know if I still had strong feelings for Riana, when someone hurt her or when I saw tears in her eyes it broke my heart. Now that she was going to help the company I didn't need Iris anymore.
" That's a great idea," I told her.
" Matt I need to call someone."
After Riana finished her call and looked at me with a smile.
" Why are you so happy?" I asked.
" I told grandma about what Iris said about people thinking you and her are a couple. She said that she would talk to her." She said.
" That's good."

A few minutes after I came out of the cafe. I received a phone call from Dorcas.
"Hello," I answered even though I was not in the mood to talk to her.
"Come home now," I heard her say.
" I'm busy,"I said.
" Busy from what you just resigned from Matt is company." It's true that news from celebrities spread fast. Riana had already told Dorcas about what happened.
" Really, who told you I resigned?" I asked already knowing the answer to that question.
" That doesn't really matter,"
" Okay then Matt is company is not the only thing that I do in life. I will come home tomorrow if I have nothing to do. Since you said what you wanted and I said what I wanted, bye." I hung up the phone. I lied, Matt is company is what used to keep me busy most of the time. Now that I resigned , I really needed to find something to do. I went back home after all I had no other choice. When I entered the room I remembered the white rose that Zack had left me. I got the rose, put it in the vase and added water. I walked around the house and found a room with books. Most of them were about the economy and business, but I was able to find a novel. Honestly, I was  surprised to find such a book. I didn't think that Zack was into this stuff. I sat at the balcony and started to read the novel.

The novel was about a rich girl who was forced to marry in a rich family when she already liked someone. She lived in the country for 15 years because a fortune teller told her parents that she was not fit and had to live city for 15 years, but she was always dotted on by her two brothers and her father. During this time she was at the country her mother adopted a girl to keep her company and because of this the mother loved the adopted girl more than her own child. The girl the mother adopted was petty but always acted innocent and humble Infront of others. The adopted girl fell in love with the rich man and wanted to marry him, but the rich man refused because he loved the rich girl. The rich girl found out that the boy she liked and her stepsister were using her to get information from the rich man so that they could steal money and the business. She got her revenge while slowly falling in love with the rich man.she also reconciled with her mother .Unfortunately, the the rich girl and the rich man died in a car accident and left their five year old son with his grandparents.

I needed to read the next book. Just when I was taking the book back, I heard a sound at the door  I went to check and found out that it was just Zack.
" You're back," I said surprised.
" Yes, how was your day?" He asked.
" It was fine...wait didn't you say, you would come back in the evening?" I asked.
" What time do you think it is?" He asked.
" Isn't it not 2 in the afternoon?"
" Check your phone," he said. I got my phone and checked the time. It was already evening. I had been reading the novel for the whole afternoon.
" It's your fault," I accused.
" What did I do?" He asked.
" I read the novel that I found in one of your shelves. By the way, did you write the story. I noticed it was not typed, but hand written. You have a beautiful handwriting," I spoke a bit too fast because I enjoyed the story, although it had a sad ending.
" Mhmm," he answered. This person always seemed to surprise me.
" Where did you get your inspiration from?The story was really good, but did you really have to put a sad ending. It was really emotional." I spoke fast.
" Sorry about the ending. The story was based on a true story. The five year old in the story was me." He said while heading to the kitchen. I felt tears forming in my eyes. His story was so touching and sad. I went to hug him from behind.
" It's fine I still had my grandfather and grandmother" he said. I remembered in the story that his grandparents separated. In the story Zack didn't write about why they had separated.
" Zack?" I called his name as he turned around to hug me
" Mmmmm,"
" Why did you write it?" I asked a bit confused.
" Before my parents died, my mum used to tell me stories of how they fell in love. When they died I was traumatized. I couldn't cry, because of this my grandparents were afraid and took me to the hospital. The doctor said that people react to such situations in different ways. I then wrote the book and when I was done, tears came out. I missed them so much." I couldn't help, but cry when he told me this. It ended up him comforting me instead of the other way around. " What would you like to eat?" He asked when I finished crying.
" How could you think of cooking at a time like this?" I said my voice hoarse from crying.
" I don't want you to starve because of me." 

After eating we went straight to sleep and l let him hug me.
" Zack,"
" Mmmmm,"
" How many times have you ever cried?"
" Once,"
" What?" I was surprised.
" Go to sleep."
" Okay, I will listen to you."

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