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When I woke up Zack was not on the bed. Today I found a tulip instead of a white rose. At the table was another letter from Zack.

This one read ' I will not be coming back today so do not wait for me. Don't forget to eat. Since you get bored fast. I asked Blake to bring you some novels and I also left you a little something on the balcony.'

I went to the balcony and found that it was filled with different types of flowers in different colours. Their was another letter in the middle of the balcony. This small actions really brightened my day. I got all the cases that I could find in the house. I placed the flowers one by one. This job reminded me of the simple life that I always wanted. I always wanted my life to be low key.

When I reached the middle of the balcony. I picked up the letter and opened it. ' It's a pity I won't be able to give you flowers for the next two or three days. So I hope these flowers will do for now. I will bring you a present when I come back. ' I was now looking forward to the present that Zack was going to give me. I finished picking up all the flowers. I washed up, ate breakfast and prepared to meet Dorcas and the others.

When I arrived at the house, no one was even at the door to greet me. Not that I did not expect it, but they really needed to have some manners.
" I'm home," I announced.
" Do you really need to announce when you are home? After all no one really cares." Sarah said with a smug smile, "or did you forget that you are not welcome in this house?" She continued.
" Hi Sarah, long time no see." I smiled when greeting her. She seemed to be enjoying the fortune that I gave to them. I went to sit on the sofa and waited for Dorcas. I looked around the house. Their were more paintings, they changed the wall color and  furniture. These people were leaving life like they were royalty.
" Do you like the new design of the House?" Asked Sarah.
" Not really, to be honest. I feel suffocated," I said truthfully.
" Iris you are here?" Asked grandpa who was being pushed in the living room in a wheelchair.
" Grandpa why are you in a wheelchair?" I asked.
" I'm fine, its just that my health hasn't been good in the past few days." He smiled.
" Grandpa, you look like they haven't been feeding you." I spoke truthfully. His face was pale and he had lost a lot of weight. This side of him made me feel sad. I felt like crying,but I promised myself that I would never cry in a place like this.
" Iris, are you saying that we don't know how to take care of your grandfather?" Dorcas asked coming in wearing luxurious clothes, make-up on her face and her hair tied in tight bun .
" That is exactly what I'm saying grandma," when Dorcas heard what I said her face turned ugly that some of her make-up smudged a little.
"I didn't call you here to argue with me," she said before sitting down.
" If not that then why did you call me?" I asked.
" It will be Riana and Matt is engagement in two weeks. The only problem is that everyone knows you and Matt are together. We need you to attend it, announce your break up and announce their engagement by saying that you did not feel that you and Matt are compatible and you thought that Matt and Riana are the right people for each other. You could see the love they had for each other in their eyes." She said
" Yeah no, I can't do that ." I said.
" Why is that?" Dorcas and Sarah asked in unison before looking at each other.
" I would be lying to the world and myself,"
" You have a lot of nerve" Sarah commented under her breath.
" Why don't you tell the world what really happened?" I asked smiling. Mocking these people was really fun.
" You know that telling the world the truth would destroy your sister is reputation and Matt is business." Dorcas said calmly.
" I don't see the problem with that, infact it would save me a lot of trouble."
" You child..." Sarah got angry that she stood up to come and slap me.
" Aunty did I say something wrong?" I asked with an innocent face  and the tone that Riana liked using when making people sympathies with her.
" Sarah sit down!!" Dorcas commanded.
" Mother but..."
" Sarah do you think that I don't know what I am doing?," Dorcas looked impatient at this time.
" Grandma don't shout, it makes you look old and ugly" I carried the same tone I used when talking to Sarah. Dorcas didn't speak for a while so I stood up to leave.
" Where are you going?" Dorcas asked after coming out from her shock " sit down.
" Just say what you want to say. I can't stand the smell of this room." I walked up to the window and opened it. Sarah wanted to say something but kept it to herself.
"  Let us make a deal." Dorcas  said
" What deal?"
" We will offer you 2 million," that was a lot of money. Recently, I was thinking about getting Zack a present. He had been so good to me.
" That's too little. What about the emotional distress of remembering what really happened  and how it hurt me while lying to the world?"I said.
"You little brat 2 million is already a lot of money!!" Sarah shouted. Dorcas also had an angry expression, but later relaxed.
" 2.5 million,"
" Ok then I will come only after you send the money." I turned to leave but remembered something when I reached the door.
" Grandpa is it fine if I take you with me on the day of Matt and Riana is engagement?"
" Iris you have already stolen 2.5 million from this family and now you want to take away your grandfather."
" Let me take care of him. Even just for two months," I spoke softly. I didn't want to argue with them. My grandfather was the only one in this family who cared for me.
" Okay," Harrison agreed without giving a chance to Dorcas and Sarah to speak. I smiled and went out of the house. I heard something falling from above me so I moved to the side. Just the a flower pot fell on the ground. The were only  three people who could try to harm me like this ' Matt', ' Riana' and ' Sarah'. I looked up at the balcony where Riana's room was. She tried hiding but I could still see her. Our eyes even met.

So she wanted to injure me even when I agreed to help her. The coffee I spelt on her was not hot enough. She wanted to kill me for the second time. Did she really think that I would give her a chance. NEVER!!!!

I felt like I could strangle someone at that moment. I turned around and that everyone was standing shocked at what happened. I ignored them and went upstairs to Riana's room. I knocked, but she didn't answer. Well she brought this upon herself. I went outside to house were they kept tools and got a hammer.
" Iris...what...what are you doing?" Sarah asked. I ignored her and went back upstairs to Riana's room. I hit the door with a hammer until it opened. I grabbed Riana who had a bandage on her face.
" Ah!!!!" Riana screamed " mum, grandma help me."
" Iris let your sister go. Aren't you satisfied that you hurt her yesterday." Dorcas shouted .
" Shut up!! Did Riana think of the consequences when she threw the pot at me? What if it hit me and I lost my memory?" I shouted.
" Iris...I ..I... didn't do anything" Riana cried.
" So you didn't?" I pushed her outside to the ground. " Didn't you just paint your nails?" I asked.
" Ye....yes I just painted my nails... I...I.... Didn't touch the... the ...flower pot because my nail polish hasn't yet dried look." Riana put her hands out so that everyone could see them.
" Then why is your nail polish on the flower pot?" I asked while show her the piece of the flower pot that had nail polish on it.
" I...I...don't ... know" she tried saying.
" Since you won't say the truth. I will burn the hands you used to drop the flower pot," I grabbed and took her to the kitchen. I put both her hands on a hot pan that was on the stove.
" Riana you might not remember this. I once told you that I will punish those who hurt me. So will you admit your mistake?" I asked
" Ahhh...iris..let me...go...ok...ok...i admit I wanted to hit you with the flower pot and I didn't think of the consequences... someone help me!!!!" She screamed. Sarah moved to come and grab me. I let Riana go and looked at Sarah my eyes cold " how dare you touch me? Don't you know I'm germaphobia?All this happened because you don't know how to teach your daughter manners."  I lied on being a clean freak, but I still hated people touching me. I grabbed Sarah's hands and repeated what I did to Riana. I finally felt satisfied.
" I think I overstayed my visit so I will leave now." I said my voice going back to normal.
" Iris, you child. You are a psychopath. A devil. I shouldn't have expected anything less from Emma's child." Dorcas shouted before telling one of the servants to call an ambulance. When Dorcas mentioned my mother. I couldn't help but look at her the same way I looked at Riana and Sarah. When she saw my face she went pale " don't ...don't.. look at that" she said scared.
" Then don't ever mention my mother. She was always good to you, but you still mistreated her."
" Iris go home," I remembered that I told my grandfather that I would forgive my grandmother  so I didn't do anything to her. The time when she mentioned my mother I couldn't keep that promise anymore. She was now my enemy.
" Okay grandpa," I looked at the three for the last time before leaving

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