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I woke up a bit late today. I freshened up before getting my phone to look for an apartment. I did not seem to like any of them. Just then I got a call from Dorcas.
"Come home quick,"
" Why? Don't you know I do not consider that place a home."
" Your grandfather wants to see you..."
" Ok then, bye." I didn't want to let her continue talking. I knew she was going to find fault with me so I hung up. If it was not for my grandfather
'Harrison' , I would have cut all ties with that so called family.
I was in the sitting room chatting with my grandfather when he suddenly asked, " How is your relationship with Matt. Have you put it all behind you?" A tinge of bitterness flashed across my eyes. I held Harrison's hand and said "In all the years I have known Matt. I never expected that things would turn up like this... He caught me off guard. I didn't have any defences up....?" I sighed.
" Grandpa do you know how that feels? It's like... I thought he was like my wide expanse of flat land , but suddenly one day I tripped. The only thing I can do now is prevent myself from falling and being hurt even more. I can not put everything behind me. I am the one being betrayed. Forgive me grandpa I can't forgive Matt and Riana. Maybe my father his mistress and grandmother but not them and that does not mean I will not be rude to my father, his mistress and grandma." I continued.
" Iris you are a smart and understanding child. You deserve something better. Do not be sad, things will get better eventually."
I deserve something better. I could not hold on to Matt. How can I have something better? Even though I understood that grandpa was trying to comfort me, my heart trembled. A face instantly appeared in my head. The thought of him made feel better.
" Iris do you have any person in your mind," I blushed at his question.
" How could you move on so quickly?" I looked at the direction where the voice came from. It was Matt.
" Have you brought my money?" I asked, my face turning cold at the sight of him.

Matt and Riana walked in the room just when Harrison had asked Iris the question. When Matt saw the blush on Riana's face he felt shuttered. How could she move on so quickly? Or was she just trying to make him feel jealous. It was not possible for her to find someone that quickly.When Riana saw that Matt was lost in thought she pulled his hand to get his attention, then gave him a signal to say something.
" Iris, forgive us. We do not have that kind of money" Matt begged. While Riana had some fake tears in her eyes.
" Sister you can not blame us for falling In love with each other."
" Why would you fall in love with your sister is boyfriend?" Harrison asked Riana.
" You can not blame her fall falling in love. It is very natural. It is your unfilial granddaughter who came between their love," said Dorcas. Riana had told Dorcas that Iris had charged them for being in love or else she would have accused her of having unaffair with Matt since Iris and Matt had been dating. Iris was very interested in what lie Riana had told Dorcas this time.
" If you do not send the money now. I will post the video,"
" What video?" Asked Dorcas.
" Grandma it is nothing." Riana quickly answered.Iris smiled and connected her phone to the tv. Just when the video began.
" Stop it! I will send the money to you right now." Riana interrupted. This money was her savings.
" Riana why are you giving her money? What is the video about." Dorcas turned to look at the video that had just started, she saw the content that the video was about and looked at the other side quickly. Iris removed her phone after she saw that her grandma had already seen the content on the screen.
" Thankyou, I have received the money I will now be leaving." Iris said feeling that this was her first accomplishment.
" Iris where are you going?" Harrison asked.
" Grandpa you said it yourself, I do have someone in my mind." Iris left the place with a smile on her face. She deleted the video, she had nothing to do with it anymore. It was now useless to her.
" Grandma I'm sorry," Riana sobbed.
" Mother do not be to hard on Riana, she is just a child." Sarah pleaded.
" Learn to control your daughter. She has to get married to Matt as soon as possible. We are lucky Matt is business is doing well." Dorcas did not want to blame Riana for anything. To her Riana was a lucky charm. She also thought it was a good idea for their family to marry into Matt is family. His business was growing rapidly.
" Thankyou grandma, I promise I will not disappoint you." Riana hugged Dorcas.
" Okay, now that you are home go have something to eat." Dorcas suggested.
" Matt did you hear that we are getting married," Matt was lost in thought. Iris had really moved on so fast.
" Matt," Riana called out to him again.
" Oh yes that's great," Matt cam back to his senses. Riana knew that he was still thinking about Iris. This dampened her mood.

After entering a taxi I received a phone call from Zack.
" Hello,"
" Did you receive the dress?"
"What dress?"
" The one I sent to your friend is house,"
" No, I have not. I'm not home,"
" Ok, I will hung up now."
I never found it hard talking to someone, but it was hard to find something to talk about with Zack. I just hope it will be better in the future. When I arrived home, I went straight to my room and found a black box. I opened it and found a dress. It was light blue in colour. It was an off-shoulder gown with a simple design. The entire dress was made of silk latin and it pulled in at the waist. Their was no excessive pieces of silk or decorations and it looked kind of plain to me. I leaned forward and examined the fabric and noticed something sparkle. I looked closer and saw a specific design in placing the diamonds. I checked the box again and found a pair of light blue shoes that matched the dress. I immediately fell in love with the dress. I went through social media so that I couldn't be tempted to wear the dress.

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