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After breakfast I went back to my room to change my clothes. I started looking for clothes then decided to put on a black long sleeve shirt and blue denim jeans. I booked a taxi and went to the address that Tina had sent to me earlier. I was a bit nervous to see her. I entered the cafe and scanned my surrounding. I spotted Tina who also seemed to have spotted me and started waving. I went to her and hugged her with tears in my eyes.
"Someone missed me too much,"she said and hugged me back with a smile.
"Yes, I really did."I said truthfully while wiping my tears.
We ordered some food. Tina ordered coffee while I ordered milk with a strawberry cake. While we were chatting, we were interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing. I felt like throwing it away. I wanted to ignore it but it didn't stop ringing. I picked it to see who was disturbing me. It was Riana.
"What do you want?" I answered the phone reluctantly. I put it on loud.
"Have I disturbed big sister."
"Yes, so what do you want?" Her voice was already annoying me.
"I need you to come it's urgent. I will send you the address." She hung up the phone before I could answer. I looked at Tina.
"She is such a hypocrite. Iris I would advise you to keep away from her even though you live in the same house. I don't trust her."
"Yes, I know. So let's continue."
" Iris you still have to check on her." I made  a face before leaving my chair while she just laughed at me.

I took a taxi and went to the address that Riana had sent me. When I arrived, I called Riana. When she came out she was with a group of friends. I remember her saying it was urgent but here she was chatting with her friends. " Riana did you want me to save you from these people?" She looked a little embarrassed.
"Bo these are my friends," she responded.
"Ok then why did you call me?" I asked.
" I just wanted to celebrate your arrival," she said sweetly.
"Why here?"
" Why not I think it's the best place," she said in a convincing tone. I agreed agreed and entered the bar with them then I went to sit down but Riana kept on insisting that I should dance. I went to dance only when I heard my favorite song playing. After some time Riana came back to me.
"Iris I'm sure you are tired from all that dancing, would you like a drink." She said while handing me a drink.

I remembered this day very well. It was the day Riana made me lose my virginity. It wasn't going to happen today.

I refused the drink but she kept on insisting. I started to look around them spotted a waiter with a tray. I walked up to him then got a glass of water from his tray. I drank the water In one go.
"I'm not thirsty,"I said.
She thought that I would fall her simple tricks. Never

*When Iris entered the bar. Their were a pair of eyes following her moves.*

After some time I started feeling dizzy. Did Riana drug me but how? I didn't take the drinks she had given me unless she also drugged the water. I turned to her. She looked at me with a smile on her face. She started walking towards me.
"Iris, are you alright?" She asked while putting her hand on my shoulder. I slapped it away. She made a sign with her hands. I was surrounded by men.
" Leave her alone," I heard someone. Everyone was stunned and looked in the direction where the voice came from. I could see it was a male figure but wasn't sure since my eyesight became blurry. I did the first thing I could think of. I ran in the man is embrace then slowly closed my eyes.

My plan was going great until we heard the voice of a man. Who was he ?  I hadn't seen anyone as handsome as him. When Iris ran into his embrace. It surprised me that she knew someone like hum but still dated Matt.
"Excuse me who are you. That's my sister she isn't feeling well so please let go of her." I said sobbing.
" She's your sister but she is my girlfriend and I won't let any of you filthy people touch her." He said with an angry tone. Wished I had a dagger to throw at my sister. Even when she was unconscious she made my life difficult. Isn't she still dating Matt. This question gave me a good idea, but I still have to find out who this person who this person who supported my sister was.
" You are not her boyfriend. I know my sister is dating someone else and his name is Matt," if this was really Iris is boyfriend then I  would at least tell him that iris was a  two timer.
" Please leave her I don't want her to fill the embarrassment of people finding out she was dating two people maybe even more at the same time." The man just ignored me and started walking out if the bar.  I apologised to everyone with my big beautiful eyes before leaving the door. I saw the man take Iris in his car. Why wasn't he affected by what I said. I called out to him but he entered the car which quickly drove off.

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