𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟺 - 𝚒'𝚕𝚕 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞

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a week had passed and christmas is nearing, but childe couldn't find scaramouche anywhere. he put on his coat and walked out of the room to search for the small harbinger. he walked out of the palace, following the snow covered path.

as he made his way through, he saw a fatui agent and decides to ask her for scaramouche's whereabouts. he approached the agent, which she noticed immediately. "m-master childe! uhm, what're you doing here?.." she spoke nervously.

"don't fret, i was gonna ask on ku- i mean, scaramouche's whereabouts if you happen to know." childe said with a gentle tone. she nodded and answered almost immediately. "lord scaramouche had already made his travels to sumeru to further his experimental god form along with the doctor."

childe frowned at the answer. scaramouche had went to sumeru even after promising on spending christmas with childe. the harbinger was pissed at the lies he's been told. he grits his teeth and looked at the agent with a menacing glare.

"prepare a ship. i'll be awaiting by the port to be taken to sumeru." she flinched at the sudden cold stare and agreed, nodding her head before rushing to get a ship ready.

"hah.. you're really are a beautiful liar, aren't you kuni?" childe muttered to himself, looking up at the lightless sky. he sighed then made his way to the port, waiting for a ship to arive.

As Childe waited at the port, his mind churned with a tumult of emotions—frustration, confusion, but above all, a deep-seated worry for Scaramouche. The promise of spending Christmas together had meant more to him than he'd initially let on, and the sudden departure felt like a betrayal, yet his concern for Scaramouche's well-being overshadowed his anger.

The cold wind whipped around him, the icy air biting into his skin as he stood watching the dark waters, reflecting on their last conversation. Had he missed some sign? Was Scaramouche planning this all along? Childe shook his head, trying to dispel the creeping doubts.

When the ship was ready, Childe boarded without hesitation, his determination set. The journey to Sumeru would be long, but it gave him time to plan what he would say to Scaramouche, how he would confront him about the sudden departure without prior word.

childe's got a long way to walk from port ormos to sumeru city. he took a deep breath and started walking, ignoring the odd glances he got from the people around him.

 meanwhile, scaramouche tested his robotic god figure, moving his hands and using his elemental power that was connected to each different elements. dottore confirms that he is almost ready on becoming a god.

scaramouche grins to himself as to his eyes, lesserlord kusanali and the traveler becomes an inferior being. he forgets all the promises he made with childe, focusing on his newfound power.

he looks down as both kusanali and the traveler walks in the place where he is in the progress of becoming a "god". he smirks from the inside of the gigantic robot body and speaks mockingly. "hahaha, and look who's here.. the traveler and buer.. heh, don't you think you should save your face for the jokester?"

As Scaramouche taunted from his elevated position, the tension in the air thickened, with Kusanali and the Traveler looking up at the towering figure with a mix of wariness and resolve. Scaramouche, lost in his own ambition, reveled in his perceived superiority, believing his new powers gave him an edge over all others.

Back on the journey to Sumeru City, Childe's path took him through vibrant forests and past ancient, sprawling ruins. The land of wisdom was breathtaking, yet his mind was hardly at ease. His thoughts were fixed on Scaramouche, on their last conversation, and on the profound sense of betrayal that had driven him to follow his companion all this way. Despite the hurt, his steps were quick and purposeful; he needed answers, and he needed to see Scaramouche, to understand why he had left without a word.





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