𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟿 - 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚖 𝚞𝚙 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚎

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The grand halls of the Fatui palace buzzed with activity as Harbingers and agents alike gathered for a meeting with the Tsaritsa herself. The atmosphere was tense, the air heavy with anticipation as they awaited her arrival.

Finally, the doors at the end of the hall swung open, and the Tsaritsa swept into the room, her presence commanding the attention of all who were present. With a nod of her head, she signaled for silence, and the room fell quiet as she addressed her loyal followers.

"I am pleased to see that the defenses of our palace held strong against the recent attack," the Tsaritsa began, her voice ringing out with authority. "Thanks to your bravery and dedication, we were able to repel the enemy and protect our home."

A murmur of approval rippled through the assembled crowd, pride swelling in their chests at the praise of their leader.

"But our victory was not without cost," the Tsaritsa continued, her expression grave. "The enemy has revealed themselves to be more formidable than we had anticipated, and they will not rest until they have achieved their goals."

With a wave of her hand, the Tsaritsa summoned forth a holographic map of the region, pointing to a series of markers scattered across its surface.

"These are the locations where the enemy was last spotted," she explained, her voice steely. "I want every available agent to track them down and eliminate them before they have a chance to strike again."

There was a murmur of agreement from the assembled crowd, their determination unwavering in the face of the looming threat.

"And I have just the team for the job," the Tsaritsa said, her gaze sweeping over the crowd until it settled on two figures standing near the back of the room - Scaramouche and Childe.

"You two have proven yourselves time and time again," she said, her voice filled with confidence. "I trust you to lead this mission and ensure that the enemy is dealt with swiftly and decisively."

Scaramouche and Childe exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between them. They knew the importance of the task that lay before them, and they were determined to see it through to the end.

With a nod of their heads, they stepped forward, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them on the road ahead.

And as they left the palace behind, their hearts filled with determination and their minds focused on the task at hand, Scaramouche couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within him.

For in Childe, he had not only a trusted ally, but a friend - one who would stand by his side through thick and thin, no matter what dangers lay in their path.

And together, they would prove to the world that the Fatui was not to be underestimated.

As Scaramouche and Childe stepped out of the grandeur of the palace, Scaramouche couldn't help but feel a swell of pride in his chest. The praise from the Tsaritsa had bolstered his ego, reaffirming his belief in his own abilities.

"We've got our work cut out for us," Childe remarked, breaking the silence as they made their way down the palace steps.

Scaramouche smirked, his arrogance shining through. "Speak for yourself, Tartaglia," he retorted, his tone dripping with confidence. "I don't plan on breaking a sweat on this little mission of ours."

Childe chuckled, unfazed by Scaramouche's bravado. "Is that so?" he replied, a playful glint in his eye. "Well, I suppose I'll just have to carry you then, won't I?"

Scaramouche rolled his eyes, but there was a warmth in his gaze that belied his irritation. Despite his arrogance, he couldn't deny the bond that had formed between them - a bond that had softened his edges and made him more than just the arrogant Harbinger everyone believed him to be.

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