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One month later

Ætherday, first day of the year 1000 of the Restoration Era

Airo turned this way and that, inspecting his reflection with a critical eye. The room had been altered into a much more sunlit design and light poured through the arched window, showing the clear purple-tinged sky outside. Airo remembered he was in the far future and reached out for the free-floating HHI, adjusting the mirrored variform surface of the wardrobe to show him the angle he wanted. He wore no actual clothes, his current garments wholly virtual; this way he didn't need to wait for the nanofabricator to print each set individually before finding the ideal match. It was a strange setup to him, as many other things had been, yet he was quickly getting used to the speed and convenience it offered.

He chose the next outfit, his mind wandering. The days had flown by, and he had barely noticed them. They had won. The price had been terrible and the death toll nightmarish, yet they had won and had survived. And at the very end, the dead had known peace. Even Ferrtau. Every reaved soul had returned once more to the Fire Eternal, to begin its Way anew, and to shine forever among the countless stars of the Great Cosmos.

And those who had lived on, they grieved and they rejoiced.

Airo lowered his head, sparkles in his vision blurring momentarily the brightness radiating from the window.

"Are you ready yet?" Veralla called, coming to stand beside him. "I am surprised you can spend so much attention to these details."

Airo swiftly wiped the evidence of his weakness, and turned to face her. "It is easy for you," he said. "You wear no clothes."

"Well, why do you not do the same? You look rather nice this way," Veralla hrrr–ed playfully, looking him up and down. He tried to stay relaxed, resisting the impulse to cover himself.

"Thank you for the compliment, but you have to take the others into consideration," he replied. Why he felt shy standing naked in front of Veralla? She did it all the time and he never even took note of that fact until now. He wondered what opinion dragons had on the matter in general.

"But we are getting late for the ceremony," she said. "And it will probably take very long, and you still have not given me a present!"

He stopped mid-turn toward the wardrobe. "What? Ah, right, today is your hatchday."

"Yes!" she piped brightly. "And I want a present!"

"I gave you one already," he said with mock sternness, pointing at the aethertech gridcaster on her foreleg.

"Well, I want another one."

"But... I do not have any more presents prepared."

"Oh, I think I have an idea..." she hrrr–ed, stepping closer.

Airo took in her void-black, magenta-striped form. Already she was twice larger than Glawlrhain and her growth showed no signs of stopping soon. He looked at her thick, sharp claws, her vast wings, her scaled bulk, her magnificent set of horns and crests upon her head. He sensed she was looming eagerly. He lifted his brows in awkward confusion. What is going on here?

Let me show you, she replied, smiling in her fierce draconic way. She bent lower, taking another step, and her massive chest pressed into him. He could feel an ocean of emotions pouring through the mindlink, smothering in their intensity and fiery in their nature. Emotions dominated by...

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