Chapter 6 - Companion for the Way

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"Surrounded by strife! Drowned by sorrow! Engulfed by hate!

O, tragic wanderer of the Cosmos, where is thy salvation?"

– Onis Abdo, "Let Us Get To There"

Ætherday, first day of the year 999 of the Restoration Era

They looked at each other for a long time.

Airo peered into the dragonet's purple eyes. If it was not for the vertically-slit pupils, he could almost swear... no, it was impossible. Before him stood a dragon, and its gaze was indeed entirely different. As he watched, the colors in its eyes swirled gently, becoming lighter and softer. The gentle patterns made him feel a haunting familiarity, a sensation that was beyond all rationality. He tentatively reached out to touch the smoothly scaled hide of the dragonet, to assure himself truly of its existence. Its body was deep black from nose to tail-tip, the color so intense it seemed to absorb light itself, and was interrupted at irregular intervals by claw-like markings of dark magenta. The dragonet watched with interest as he brushed the fingertips of his power armor gauntlet against its fine, minuscule scales, its expression earnest and innocent. He stared back into its wide and intent eyes, and his throat clenched.

That look... it was the one Zenassa had just before she died. He felt a pair of warm streaks running down his cheeks, his skin stinging as the tears froze in the frigid air. That same look... if only...

The dragonet blinked at his reaction. "Why are you so sad?" it asked with a soft, clear voice.

Airo winced and jerked away as if struck. It had spoken – no, she had spoken, for the voice was definitely feminine, despite the alien overtones – as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Bewildered and inexplicably furious, he glanced at the creature again. The dragonet flapped her wings in mild alarm. "What is wrong?" she asked, concern touching her amethyst eyes.

"Nothing," he replied mechanically. He hauled himself to his feet, the trance broken completely. He looked over the dragonet more closely. Her body was bulky and rotund, and she had short, almost comically stubby limbs. She had six digits on each paw. Her wings were tiny, stunted things, in garish contrast with the heavy bone fins which ran along the length of her back. Only the tail looked normal, long and slender yet moving with hidden power, as the dragonet swished it absently.

"Oh," she said, uncertain. "All right then. Do you know where are we?" She had a strong, long snout with broad jaws, and her head was adorned with a magnificent set of horns and twin crests. They gave her a regal bearing, completely opposite of the appearance of her body.

"You," Airo harshly emphasized, "and I, are on a planet called Terra Para." He spotted his katana sticking in the snow nearby, and went to retrieve it.

"Terra Para," the dragonet repeated, as if tasting the name. "How strange that sounds! Oh, what is that you are holding?"

"A weapon," Airo snapped darkly, sheathing the katana in its purple-black scabbard. He noticed the striking resemblance the scabbard had with the dragonet's hide, and glanced in her direction, narrowing his eyes.

"Weapon! You fight with it, right? And is this snow around us? It is quite cold, actually! Do you have something to eat? I am hungry, and–"

Airo ignored her words. He again took in the striking blackness of her body. The dragonet's complexion seemed unusual, like it was something beyond mere coloration.

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