Chapter 14.2 - Small Way

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Veralla's training was progressing well, even though she could not fly, breathe fire, or grow normally. She easily memorized the motions, and strove to perform them exactly as Glawlrhain showed her. Before long, she mastered basic stances and strikes, and the training master began to instruct her in more advanced techniques.

Glawlrhain also let her spar against Æther-crafted illusions. Her comical proportions made her struggle to defeat the illusion-dummies, yet she managed to work around her limitation with careful observation and clever use of different moves. She was still practicing groundside combat only, but already she had learned a variety of ways to take down an opponent in different situations, be it human or dragon, and Glawlrhain said if she continued to be very small he would show her some useful tricks to mitigate her size disadvantage.

Her body quickly adapted to the rigorous regimen of daily training, as she pushed herself to her limit – and beyond! – each day. She even began to spend long periods in time-dilated virtual reality, in order to study more martial theory, while physical time was used to hone learned principles into perfect execution.

She still felt uneasy making herself proficient at martial arts and killing. Regardless of Glawlrhain's words, she was not sure how she could use her knowledge about fighting to prevent... fighting. It reminded her of Airo, who had wanted to become an honorable champion, but had been made a warrior instead. Veralla wanted to become a Radiant Knight, although Radiant Knights had to be trained in combat. They had to, in order to be able to protect their principles and ideals, Glawlrhain had explained. This made sense to Veralla, given her dreadful encounter with Ferrtau; and she trusted the training master, as well as the Radiant Knights as a whole. So, despite her uncertainty, she gave her best to become a strong and capable warrior, to become worthy of being a Radiant Knight, in order to be able to help others and to instill kindness and happiness in the world.

What troubled her were the violent urges she experienced often lately.

At first, they appeared only when she slept and had nightmares: the attack on Dragon Retreat, the battle at the mountain pass, the beating of the uplimal female in Kryoon City. Veralla would wake with a snarl, not terrified or unhappy, but with dark haze clouding her vision and bright fury rushing inside her veins. She tried to ignore these moments, but she started to experience bloodlust more and more, especially during training, and – for some strange reason – at the reddish sight of meat when she was eating.

She did not want to become a terrible person, like Ferrtau, or even Airo in his bad moments. She had to do something about this. She decided to talk with Glawlrhain, for he was a master in martial arts, and seemed very wise, and was a dragon, so he could perhaps tell her what was happening to her feelings and senses.

She sought him out one day between training sessions, forgoing her afternoon nap to ask for advice. With the help of Yeoman Cloud, who was now present in every one of Ilsorin's systems and had access to all sensors, she found Glawlrhain in the multi-tiered gardens above the lake. However, as she went there, she saw from a distance Stamat was also with Glawlrhain and the two of them were speaking, with Stamat looking very heated. Veralla hid behind a tree to avoid interrupting them. Yet she was curious what they were talking about, so she spread her webbed ears wide, until she could hear even the quiet gurgle of a fountain several levels below.

"Don't tell me again you have no time!" Stamat said. "I've returned from patrol three days ago, and we haven't spoken for a single moment since! For Dude's sake, even Commander Airo meets with Veralla more often!"

"I'm the training master, Stamat," Glawlrhain said. "It's my responsibility to keep all Knights in the sharpest form possible, especially when we're facing a crisis of such magnitude. Also, I've become an Elder of the Order – though it wasn't my wish, this carries additional duties I have to perform. After we survive this, we'll have much more time for each other."

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