Chapter 23.3 - The Way Abides

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Despite his bone-deep fatigue, he didn't sleep. He waited Veralla to drift off and then quietly left their room. He didn't put on the power armor. The was little point anymore. He took only a shields belt to keep the cold at bay and then went outside the stronghold, taking a walk around the mountainous ramparts.

He found a suitably panoramic spot, a wide curving esplanade, and went to the parapet at its edge. He leaned on the solid ornate stone and gazed at the heavens. Even though the rest of Terra Para was in constant turmoil, the sky above Ilsorin was calm and clear, kept pure by the giant serefi guardian that encompassed the entire fractal sub-region. The horizon wavered faintly now and then, yet there was no other indication the world outside was plunged into a maelstrom which defied the very fundamentals of spacetime. Airo stood alone on the ramparts, quietly watching the stars.

His journey was over. He had at last seen the Way. His life had begun anew and he had found new friends to celebrate it with. His faith had been restored and he had new ideals to strive for. He had been given salvation, and the light within his soul was shining brightly once more.

Only, it was too late. Ferrtau had won. Terra Para was doomed. Airo's second chance was destined to be short and surrounded by despair. And Veralla... she wouldn't even have a year to live. Airo had thought it was chance which twined their fates, yet now he wasn't sure anymore. Too much had happened to write it off as coincidence: his re-awakening from cryostasis, her heritage as Kalessia's child, and the fact that everything was put into motion when Ferrtau had gone mad from grief.

If anything, it was destiny. And as Magus had told Airo, there were no wrong interpretations of the Way. Perhaps everything happened exactly as it should and in the end all would be right. Airo only regretted he would not live to witness this final truth. Yet no matter what happened, he had Veralla, and for him that was enough.

He smiled, watching the skylight of the Great Cosmos, and then the last part of his redemption came.

He heard nothing. He sensed nothing. However, something made him turn around and he saw Ferrtau, standing only a couple of paces away.

His former friend still wore his Knight armor, the suit battered and antiquated from centuries of use, even though nanotechnology should've kept it pristine. Perhaps it was a symbol of Ferrtau himself – struggling, wearied, yet still poised and determined to achieve his visions.

Airo didn't know how Ferrtau had gotten here. Then it dawned on him that this must be some kind of a mind trick – for his former friend didn't attack and his tall, armored form had a faint surreal quality, like a dream too lucid. The two of them looked at each other for a silent minute, Airo calm and awaiting, Ferrtau dour and fulminating.

"The war is over, Dragonslayer," the Lightbringer finally spoke. "You and the pathetic Radiant Knights that follow you have lost."

Airo said nothing and kept watching Ferrtau.

"So much effort," Ferrtau continued. "So much sacrifice. The Dragonslayer, ready to do anything, even work alongside dragons, to achieve his revenge. And all that hypocrisy for naught. You astound me, Airo. The lengths you are willing to go just to defend your ambition. You think I am the monster? Look at you! You would burn whole worlds in order to enforce your views upon them! Look at yourself, Dragonslayer. This is all your fault!"

"Yes, I did terrible things in my life," Airo said quietly. "I made them, because I was misguided, and because I was in love. A love that was taken. If only either of those things were part of me, I would have been different. Everything would have been different."

"Love?" Ferrtau laughed bitterly. "You mean Zenassa? After all this time you still think about her. You are a fool, Airo. Zenassa was neither remarkable, nor particularly pure – she played with both of our feelings for so long, remember? And then she chose you, but as she made that choice, she continued to have affection for me. Did you know that? Did you ever realize your love was not equal, Airo? You were merely a tool for Zenassa, a brute who dragged beasts for her to study. Your love was built on basic convenience, Dragonslayer!"

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