Chapter 14 - Small Way

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"Do not cry, little star. Even beyond time, beyond that final moment of darkness, your light shall forever be part of the Fire Eternal."

– Ver Lumineo, "A Journey To The Sun"

In the coming days things began slowly to fall into rhythm. Each morning, Veralla rose and had a hearty breakfast, then she went on training until around midday, which was followed by a meal and a short nap, then there was another training session in the late afternoon, and after that she was free to spend the evening however she liked. Usually, she had dinner. Although she started to tire always eating raw meat, yet on Glawlrhain's insistence she munched on it.

Then, she browsed the mesh before going to sleep, as there were still so many things which interested her. She was particularly fond of books and videos, and especially computer games; but the latter she found difficult to enjoy without Airo.

He was constantly away on patrols. Vorzii prowled the skies of Terra Para day and night. The skyship came back to Ilsorin at irregular intervals, sometimes on the morning after its departure, but more often after days of absence. Airo always disembarked for a brief time, just to check on how things went at the base, then he went right back on board. Vorzii remained grounded only long enough to shift cargo and passengers, and to rotate the crew, then it was again in the air and heading for the next dangerous journey into the frozen wilderness.

Every time Veralla went to greet Airo, happy for his safe return, and every time she went on the battlements above the landing platform as the skyship rose on its roaring thrusters and disappeared into the sub-region's exit. She watched Airo's departure with heavy hearts, afraid he will not return one day. And while she desired to be with him, she did not go on any more missions. She did not want to experience any more death.

So she could not be with Airo. It meant she was without him for the first time in her life. It unnerved her, and she often woke up in the morning confused and anxious why she was alone. The change left her feeling lost. So she made an effort to explore and interact with others as much as possible, to make this feeling go away.


She tried to eat with others in the dining hall, as part of her decision to interact more. It seemed a simple act, yet in the absence of Airo her confidence had faltered, and she had reverted to her earlier shy behavior.

She stood – on all fours, too stressed to stand upright – at the dining hall's entrance, casting surreptitious glances at the tables taken by Radiant Knights, who were having various breakfasts. There were not a lot of dragons right now, as Veralla had learned their number was quite small, and half of them were out on patrol with the skyship. She spotted the crimson bulk of Lung, sitting with her soulkin, Tehalix, at one of the larger tables along two more dragons and their soulkin, as well as a bunch of other human Knights.

Veralla approached timidly, but before she could say anything, Tehalix noticed her and grinned.

"Hey dudes, the Goddess has graced us with her divine presence!" she exclaimed, drawing the attention of her table companions.

Veralla took a deep breath as everyone focused their attention on her. "Oh, hello all!" she said diffidently.

"Heya, little one," Tehalix said, her grin mellowing to a warm smile. The rest of the Radiant Knights greeted her amiably too. "Come, take a seat."

Veralla did so, and relaxed as the silvery furniture variformed around her for maximum comfort. Still, she was a bit anxious to meet the other Knights' gazes.

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