Chapter 8.4 - Haven by the Way

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Veralla was astounded by myriad sights before her.

She had never been to a town before. Well, understandably, since she was very young and did not have much exposure to the world in general. Yet her imagination was starved for new experiences, and she indulged fully in the marvel that was Dragon Retreat.

She ate a delicious meal, prepared by the nice red-skinned human named Usylor, and after thanking him went outside to wander the wide walkways. So many lights! So many new shapes! She relished the sensation of smooth stones against her feet, curious how her claws clicked against the pavement. She tried to lessen the sound, shifting her weight, changing her step, hrrr-ing in joy when she discovered different ways to walk besides the bounding gait she used to traverse the snow-laden wilderness.

She coursed the thoroughfares, staring at everything. Her webbed ears pricked at new sounds, her forked tongue snaked out constantly to explore complex blends of tastes and smells. Her small wings fluttered at the sight of the dragon statues in their regal splendor. She compared her body with the stone-and-crystal replicas of her kin down to the last detail, noting differences and similarities with playful abandon.

And the humans, so many humans! As she walked around town, they stopped and looked at her, calling and trying to talk to her. She was a little nervous at first, sensing their bewilderment. Yet as she spoke the others smiled broadly at her, asking her questions and inquiring about her well-being. She replied to the best of her ability, noting all the different faces and shapes as the crowd grew. In mere minutes, almost the entire town had gathered at her location, people babbling merrily among themselves, calling out to her, and marveling at her exotic appearance. She asked many questions in turn, and the others were quick to answer. After a while, the crowd dispersed, many offering her to join them for a meal and make herself at home in their abodes. She received such invitations with joy, yet she expressed her desire to continue her exploration, and moved farther along the walkways.

She entered various public buildings and temples, eagerly observing furniture and decorations, greeting the patrons, and happily accepting the treats they gave her. She went to the town's communication complex, examined the interior of the fusion power station, and stepped inside the geodesic dome, where she saw rows upon rows of exotic, vibrant creatures in various kinds of shapes, colors, and sizes, all silently accepting her presence, and somebody explained they were called plants. She squealed in glee when she saw tiny beings looking just like her, whizzing around on miniature wings, and she thought she had finally found other dragons, but she learned these little siblings were called dreyks and were only distant kin to her.

Night fell in truth, and the shrine-town submerged in a soft radiance of its own. She stood before the glowing obelisks and the light pylons, awed by the gentle pulses of energy coming out from the shining orbs. She was sure only she could see them, since no one else stopped to admire the magical display as it weaved its harmonics through the wide canyons. She spent hours watching this endless spectacle of intricate patterns, long after the walkways became empty of humans and the stars rolled slowly overhead.

Finally, she felt her limbs growing heavier, and she struggled to keep her tail from dragging along the ground. Her jaws stretched in a yawn, and her eyes began to close by themselves. She wondered if Airo and the others were still in the High Temple. She wanted to go back to search for them and see the majestic showers of light again, but more than that she wanted to sleep.

Veralla climbed the base of the nearest dragon statue, and curled down,taking shelter beneath one of its great stone wings.

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