Part I - Prelude To Fall

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Iona Research Complex, seven centuries ago

The Dragonslayer watched the sky, and his fist clenched.

Great, winged shapes circled the horizon in the twilight light. Alarms and sirens blared everywhere, drowning the air in wailing doom. Soldiers and ground crews ran on the tarmac down below, rushing to their battlestations amidst the explosive chaos. Assault jets and interceptors struggled to take the fight to the skies, launching desperate counterattacks in scattered groups. The compound burned, as vehicles, armor, and supply warehouses were all obliterated by fire, metal, claws, and lasers.

The Dragonslayer stood on the observation terrace of the central laboratories and wondered how this had happened.

A young aide appeared at his side and gave a hurried salute. "Sir, the enemy forces have surrounded us!"

"Numbers?" the Dragonslayer asked distantly.

"At least twenty class-S d-units, and twice as many class-A! They also have half a dozen combat-heavy skyships escorted by fighters and paratrooper transports. Comm intel says a starcruiser is lining up for orbital bombardment. The entire AID task force is here!" The man's face was pale. "Your orders, sir?"

The Dragonslayer's gaze remained fixed at the sky. "Begin general evacuation," he said darkly. "Distribute battlegroups Two through Twelve between fallback hideouts. Execute Movement-wide comm-channel switch. Battlegroup One will remain to cover the retreat. Inform the cutting crews to extract only those beasts which fall within the perimeter. They have fifteen minutes. Go."

The aide made to leave, then paused. "Sir, aren't you going to evacuate too?" he asked in a tentative voice.

The Dragonslayer's mouth twitched in a mirthless smile. "No. I will fight. Tell Maintenance to prepare my ACU."

"Yessir," the aide saluted, and went to carry out the orders.

The Dragonslayer remained alone on the terrace. The battle was rising in intensity, projectiles and energy beams lancing through the amber heavens. Explosions, screams, and roars from engines and powerful lungs joined the sirens in the thunderous soundscape. The Dragonslayer closed his eyes. They had lost. Somehow, the enemy had found them, and now the end of the Movement was at hand.

Yet his personal crusade would never be over.

He turned and entered the building. He descended rusted stairways and walked along old corridors, traversing the abandoned research complex, its halls and labs converted years ago into engineering hangars and weapon factories. Suddenly, an explosion thundered nearby, and the whole building shook violently. Orbital bombardment. The AID have finally shown their true colors, he thought somberly. Damned dragon-lovers.

He entered the main launch bay. The place was almost empty. The other ACUs had already either evacuated, or joined the rear-guard action. Hazard lamps bathed the floor in warning light. More explosions echoed, sending tremors through the structure, and debris crashed down from the ceiling. The few remaining technicians were dashing madly toward the exits, taking whatever equipment they could with them.

The Dragonslayer walked calmly to the lone towering mech in the center of the launch bay. He took a comm radio out of his pocket. "Echelon Five, connect me to the Second-in-Command." The radio gave only static. He tried again. "Echelon Five, come in!" No response. Comm-channel has already been switched, he realized. Pride swelled in him; they may have lost, yet they sure wouldn't go down without a fight.

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