Chapter 10 - Guardians of the Way

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"Today we're here with Ren Serenteithwyr, discussing one of the greatest interstellar organizations, the Order of the Radiant Knights! So Ren, who are the Radiant Knights?"

"Well, it would be easier to say who they aren't! Basics, transhumans, uplimals, dragons, even TAIs pledge the Pure Vow and take the torch of the Fire Eternal. I wouldn't be surprised, if we ever find aliens – I mean, besides dragonkind – if the Order offered them to join its ranks."

"Fascinating! Maybe I should become a Knight, eh? I always wanted to ride through space on a dragon."

"You can try joining, Josh, but I wouldn't gridcast on your keyboard! The Order has an incredibly rigorous training regimen. Only one in ten thousand applicants manages to go through it all and don the epic red-gold armor."

"All right then, maybe I'll try after a few more centuries. And what about their hierarchy, Ren? Do the Radiant Knights have military ranks or something like that?"

"No, no, they don't. Except for the Order's Grandmasters, Magus Dei and Aethernalis – who first founded the organization – all Knights are equal in standing, and important decisions are made by open discussions in general assemblies. However, there are some latitudes in this horizontal setup, stuff like older Knights holding more respect and authority, wartime chains of command, and dynamic establishment of departments or divisions when doing larger or more long-term projects. You know – anarchism, like those guys from the Autonomist Alliance, but with dragons instead!"

– "The Golden Ages Show", Point-Zero Ultracorp. archive circa 269 RE, Datalinks

999 RE, Terra Para, at the outskirts of Dragon Retreat

"He is a Grandmaster?" Veralla asked in awe. She kept glancing at Magus Dei and the dragons circling overhead, her attention torn between the two wonders.

"No, I have not held such a title for some time now," the old man replied as he reached them. He paused and looked at Airo, then extended his hand. Airo hesitated for several seconds, knowing the gesture was purely polite since he wore powered armor. In the end, he took the offered hand, and rose to his feet.

Above, the dragons continued to fly around the skyship, patrolling the area. A bright wave was approaching from Dragon Retreat. The Revenant. "May I see your face?" Magus Dei asked Airo.

He hesitated again. He harbored no good feelings for this man. He stood before the person who had imprisoned him for seven hundred years... and this was an opportunity to confront him. Airo retracted his helmet and glared at Magus Dei.

The merest lift of one white eyebrow was the only reaction the old man displayed. His keen purple eyes were alien and uncanny. "So, it is really you," he said quietly, more to himself than to Airo.

"You have a lot of nerve, showing up before me again," Airo said.

"I had no certainty of your identity before I interfered," Magus Dei said. He glanced at the skyship above. "And it is the duty of a Radiant Knight to aid others whenever possible, no matter their past deeds." He lowered his gaze and studied Veralla.

"Aid," Airo snorted. "Now that is a droll word. Give me one good reason not to strike you down where you stand."

"I acted on your behalf," Magus Dei said in a hard tone. "And I would have done so even if I knew beforehand who you really were. But you are free to do what you feel is right." He frowned, and inclined his head toward the dragonet. "And set an example to those around you for what constitutes righteous behavior."

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