Foreword from the Author

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NOTE: This novel is written under my official pen name (Drake Vato). Hence it being on the cover art.

Thank you for picking up this book. I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I did coming up with the story. (The writing part was hard.)

I've always liked both space opera and dragons, and have wondered why nobody has thought of combining them before. (Dragons plus sci-fi in general has a few notable examples, but I'm talking about starships and interstellar travel.) In the end, I've decided to fill the gap myself, so we can finally have dragons IN SPAAACE! Also, space wizardry. Star Wars did it almost right, but borked up the dragon part...

Yes, this is pretty much a "soft" science fiction story, although I tried to keep the in-universe lore as authentic as possible. If you're still willing to give it a go, then I'll do my best to keep you entertained.

Happy reading!

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