Chapter 22.2 - Defending the Way

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The Radiant Knights prepared to depart for Kryoon City. Everybody gathered at the psi-gate in the middle of Ilsorin's gardens. The large golden arch cast a pale glow in the morning gloom, its transdimensional portal shimmering around the edges, showing the grand decks of Ouroboros beyond.

Airo checked for one last time his combat gear, making sure the virtualizer, the veronite blaster, and his crystal-bladed katana were all in place. The starblade was securely withdrawn somewhere into the depths of his higher self, after Magus had shown him how to attune himself to it. It had been surprisingly easy, and Airo couldn't help but speculate the starblade somehow took ownership of him instead of the other way around.

Veralla insisted on taking a very long goodbye with him. She wished him to return safe multiple times, nearly suffocating him with her growing draconic strength expressed in constant hugs, to the point where he had to ask her to stop so he could perform the starblade's attunement process with Magus. She finally let go of him reluctantly, one last time bidding him to keep his promise, and stood anxiously nearby, while he gave a final briefing to the Knights, making sure everyone knew their squad composition and chain of command.

With the Radiant Knights fitted for ultimate battle, Airo prepared to give the signal for everyone to move out, when he saw Magus coming toward him.

"I have to admit, old man, your dramatics and high-handedness might be well warranted after all," he tried to humor, keeping his tone light. "If it was not for the amount of god machines you pulled on several occasions, this saga would have been cut short aeons ago."

Magus fixed him with a stare. "Are you still after revenge?" the old Knight asked with a soft voice, his purple eyes mournful and intent. "After everything that has transpired?"

Airo paused, stunned by the abrupt gravity of the situation. He averted his gaze and glanced reflexively at Veralla. She laughed along with the others, while Zuckeroff was telling a corny military joke. His life was different now. He had new horizons to look up to, and new responsibilities to bear.

Yet his past was still the same. And it demanded resolution.

He wondered why Magus asked him this question. He felt he knew the answer. Ferrtau had been Magus' protege, and perhaps the old man still held hopes that his former student would redeem himself. Perhaps Magus, whether intentionally or not, had tried to establish himself as a mentor to Airo too, and sought to prevent whatever mistakes he had made with Airo's archenemy. Perhaps Magus genuinely cared for him or Veralla, and wished to protect either or both of them. Airo, while no longer resentful of the old Knight, didn't care for his motivations regardless.

In truth, the question was a symbol to an internal conflict which had stormed inside Airo for some time now. He was torn between revenge and forgiveness.

Given life anew by Veralla, he had regained his capacity for compassion and kindness. Fighting alongside the Radiant Knights, he had been given a wealth of new perspectives and new paradigms to strive for and live by. Having seen firsthand – through the living chronicle – the tragedies Ferrtau had endured in his life and the sort of person he had become nevertheless, had made Airo understand the lengths his former friend had gone to honor the memory of Zenassa and to aspire to be a better person because of that. Combined, these events and knowledges had coalesced into the core from which Airo's new life springed, shaping his future outlook, vision, and ideals.

Yet the old part of him was still alive, and still his. The part he had lived with for years, the hollow demon who knew nothing but rage and fury, bitter sorrow and endless anguish. And while he no longer needed that aspect of his persona, to ignore or to refuse it would weigh on his soul as much as shunning the chance for a new life.

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