Chapter 9 - Clash of Ways

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"The Ancients have said: 'Those who live by the sword, die by the sword.' Yet I say: 'Live however you like, and die however you like.' For the way of life is yours to follow, and destiny is yours to master. You have no limit within the Great Verge, and Eternity is at your command. There is only one axiom: Remember to die still."

— Hom Ultima Oortis, "The Last Paradise"

Airo began to spend more time with Veralla than he anticipated.

The days passed almost imperceptibly now. Though Airo carefully avoided any proximity like the first night, each evening he and Veralla played computer games, indulging in carefree escapism. They stuck to titles only from the time of the Ancients, and always ended their sessions by playing a level from Soukou Zmei. After they played through the series several times Veralla wanted to see more games with dragons. Airo was strictly opposed to the idea, but after being begged repeatedly from an increasingly unhappy Veralla, he reluctantly agreed to a fifty-fifty ratio.

During daytime, they discussed a variety of subjects, generally while Airo was killing time walking around Dragon Retreat or trying to practice his martial skills again. To his surprise, he slowly started to like talking to Veralla; she was attentive, perceptive, and smart, asking him to clarify things yet never to repeat them. She had excellent memory, and quickly grasped new knowledge, learning everything she could and then making her own observations. Veralla frequently wanted to talk about dragons, but Airo usually avoided the subject. They rarely engaged in idle chat, having instead lengthy conversations on many topics covering everything from star travel and dreams to strategy and warfare to game theory and social contracts, and more.

Throughout all this time, he secretly contemplated what he had learned about her origin. He recalled the sight of her dying mother, and somehow knowing her identity now made the memory sadder than before, even though she had tried to kill him so long ago. Yet seven hundred years later, Kalessia chose to trust him instead of striking him down. He had no idea what to make of it.

As he learned, Veralla was also able to express some pretty vocal opinions if she so desired.

"You should stop drinking alcohol!" she said one evening. They were in one of the rooms of the dormitory cavern.

"Why?" he asked, sloshing a bottle of synthetic crap absently.

"It makes your body sick, and your mind cloudy," she said. "Why do you want to hurt and think worse?"

"Have you tried it?"

She wrinkled her snout. "I have, and it does not taste good. However, I am a dragon, and it does not affect me like it does you."

"Precisely. Now leave me to intoxicate in peace."

She made an unhappy sound. "But why do you want to poison yourself?"

Airo had had a particularly bad dream about Zee the previous night, and it had also featured Kalessia for some reason. He was in a bad mood, and needed something to detach him from the pain and confusion. "This is none of your skyline," he told Veralla coldly.

The dragonet thumped her tail on the floor. "But–"

Suddenly, harsh alarm sounds filled the room and the cavern's common area beyond. Outside, a distant explosion boomed. Airo rose to his feet, the bottle clattering on the floor, forgotten. "Battle," he breathed.

"A battle?" Veralla asked, excited. "I have never seen one! Let us go and participate!"

"No," Airo said severely. "Stay here. Do not move, under any circumstances."

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