Chapter 14.7 - Small Way

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Veralla did not suspect at all there was an entire area of Ilsorin she had not visited by now.

Far below the hidden stronghold, deep into the mountain, there was an immense cave full with hot springs and subterranean basins. Crystals of all shapes and sizes were embedded into the rock walls, radiating a soft, barely perceptible glow that was nevertheless completely sufficient for draconic eyesight. Winding passageways twisted everywhere, all intersecting at a single gigantic cavern at the center. The water also phosphorescented in dull orange-reddish light, creating the illusion of treasure sparkling in its murky depths. Stalagmites and stalactites pervaded almost every horizontal surface, warping and bulging in artful formations, contours smoothed over the centuries through contact with slithering visitors.

"Woooow!" Veralla gasped as she took in the underground vista. "It is so beautiful!"

"Yep, and it's all made just for us fireborn," Lung said as she swooped down to bring the two of them to a flat area, where a dozen other dragons had already gathered.

The crimson dragon had explained to Veralla this place was where dragons could come and wreak as much havoc as they wished whenever they were struck by foul mood, or felt inclined to play rougher games. The crystals were specially enchanted to absorb the energies of a dragon's firebreath, and then transform into an Æther generator for a time, which was how most of the base above powered its aethertech devices or structures. Also, part of the crystals morphed into radioactive isotopes when charged in this way, used later as fuel for the fusion reactors which more mundane technologies relied on.

"But why only dragons can come here?" Veralla asked. "The radiation is not that strong – I am sure with an adequate protection others can be here for a longer time, too."

"Well, as I said, things can get rough down here," Lung answered. She landed with one elegant flap of her wings. "Especially the games Teyalinar and Glosserax like to play."

"Hey, nothing wrong with unsheathing claws and baring teeth now and again," Glosserax hrrr–ed casually. "We're the good guys, but we're also nigh-unstoppable forces of nature living inside bodies made for ultimate destruction. Doesn't hurt to use those perks once in a while."

"Rrr, personally I prefer the more creational aspects our forms are capable of," Zeromon said. "So, we're all here. What shall we do today?"

"Play!" one of the dragons, Mina, said.

They settled on a game of combat-oriented LARP, in which Veralla and Lung could not participate, she for being too small, and the crimson dragon for being charged with keeping watch over her. They were appointed referees, though, and the game was still fun to watch, Veralla riding on Lung's back while she flew and clambered along the passageways in the wake of the other dragons, alert for foul play or cheating.

After a while the game concluded, and the dragons split into smaller groups, each pursuing their own recreational activities. Veralla bathed in the central cavern with Lung and Zeromon, and the three of them watched as Teyalinar, Glosserax, and several other dragons competed who could produce the most bizarre breath and charge the crystals thus.

"I can spit electricity in a five-stage-pattern modulated frequency!" Teyalinar boasted, and opened his jaws. A crackling lightning bolt burst forth from his maw, and struck a shuttle-sized crystal in a blast of gold-white energy.

"Ha, see this!" Glosserax rumbled. "Ten levels of potential state below absolute zero!" His breath produced a dark ultramarine wave so frigid it froze the air around, which fell crashing into the cavern's basin, the resulting vacuum pockets creating thunderous booms, and even from this distance Veralla felt the sharp biting needles of the unnatural cold.

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