Chapter 40 - The Start of a New Beginning

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"Get her back to the Butterfly Mansion...!"

"I told her not to do it...!"

"My love... please wake up..."





Deafening silence...

It was all Yuki could hear. It was eerie, hearing absolutely nothing while remaining in her unconscious state. Every once in a while, the occasional voice would break through the silence, but not enough for her to actually make them out, or what they were saying.

Her mind was constantly flooded with dreams. Some of them pleasant, others scary, while some were just plain strange. Most of the dreams she couldn't really remember, but some of them didn't feel like actually dreams...

"Yuki...? Can you hear me...?

That voice...


"Not just Mom, Yuki..."

Yuki's vision came in, seeing both her parents, as well as Kori standing before her. It was bittersweet to see them, just because she knew they all were visiting from beyond the grave. Even if the feeling was bittersweet, it was still nice to see them and talk to them again.

"I miss you guys..." she said, walking up to all of them.

"We miss you too..." her father says, "It must be lonely not having any family left alive..."

"It is... but it's ok," Yuki said with a smile, "I have someone who I can start a family of my own with..."

"Kyojuro?" Kori asked with a teasing undertone to her voice, "I bet you two will have a nice, happy family."

"Come now Kori, don't tease your sister," their mother teased, nudging Kori's shoulder.

"It's alright Mom. I don't mind"

"If you say so dear"

"I think we've taken up enough of your time," her father said, opening his arms, "Come and give us a hug. I'm pretty sure that this will be the last time we'll see you... at least until you pass away yourself."

Yuki chuckled, hugging all of them tight, "You keep saying that..."

"We mean it this time..." Kori admitted, having her arms wrapped around Yuki tight, "We love you... please don't forget about us..."

"I won't... I love you guys too..."

The voices died down, leaving Yuki once again alone with the deafening silence within her mind. She wondered how much longer she would have to spend within the silence...




"Yuki...? Can you hear me...?"

That voice... Kanao...?

"Kyojuro! Giyuu! I think she's waking up!"

Yuki's eyes started to flutter, before her eyes opened, being met with Kanao's gaze, "K-Kanao...?"

"Hey... glad to see that you're finally awake. How are you feeling...?" she asked, grabbing a pillow from one of the neighboring beds, and helping her sit up in her own.

"Other than a bit groggy... I feel fine. Just feels like I woke up from a nice, long nap."

Kanao chuckled, even if it had some sad undertones underneath, "You definitely did... you've been unconscious for... 6 months now I think."

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