Chapter 25 - Palace of Ice

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Yuki slowly began to regain consciousness, her head pounding as she sat up. She was incredibly dazed and confused about what had happened, not having any recollection of what had happened before she lost consciousness.

She looked around, finding herself in some sort of worship room that was reeked of death and blood. There were splatters of blood all across the walls, and dismembered limbs hanging from the ceiling. She was terrified from what she was seeing, wondering how she had gotten here.

Her attention was drawn back when she heard a laugh from somewhere in the room. She followed the sound of the laughter, soon locking eyes with Douma.

"Ah... I'm glad to see you're finally awake... It took you almost a month to awaken, little one..."

"W-Where am I?" Yuki asked, trying to keep a safe distance between herself and the Upper Rank Demon standing before her.

"No need to be scared Yuki, I have no plan to hurt you. At least... not yet..."

"N-Not yet? W-What do you want to do?"

"That's not something you need to worry about. I just find you... interesting"

Yuki was confused by what she meant, and asked, "What do you mean by that? Do you find me interesting because I'm a Half Demon?"

"That is a part of the reason, but you managed to break out of my ice, which is something a normal human would get killed by in only a matter of minutes. I just want to see why you were able to resist my blood demon art"

"I only think I broke free because the only way I can die, is the same way as you. By getting my head cut off."

"Hm... you really are something else... but I have to admit..." He walked over and grabbed Yuki by the jaw, looking deep into her eyes, "I wish you were a follower of mine... I'd give you a life of luxury, and a life you deserve..."

Yuki pulled her head out of his hand, glaring up at the demon before her, " I'd hate being one of your followers. You're nothing but a murderous demon who thinks women are nothing but objects. I'd hate being under your rule"

Douma sneered at her answer, grabbing her jam once more, digging his sharp nails into her cheek, making blood drip down, "I'd watch your tongue. You should be glad I'm the one who found you, because the rest of the demons in this place would have ripped you to shreds without a second thought. I'm showing you mercy"

"If you were showing me mercy, you would have let me go home to my friends. Not keep me trapped here in your worship room."

Douma thought about what she said for a minute, before smiling, "You're right..." Douma let go of her, and slashed her restraints, shattering them into metal shards, "Go. Be free..."

Yuki looked up at Douma, suspicious as she shakily stood up, "What's the catch...?"

"Why would there be a catch? You've given good reasoning, so I'll let you be free and return home." He had a wicked smile on his face as he said this, turning away from Yuki, "Run along. Leave this place..."

Yuki was suspicious, but she ran out, stumbling a bit at first before going into a full on sprint for as long as she could. As she ran through the halls, she watched as they warped all around her, making it look like a labyrinth.

She could hear Douma's laugh echoing all around her, and she yelled, "You said I could leave!"

"I did say you could leave..." He bellowed, his voice surrounding her as she ran, "But I never said I would make it easy for you..." He laughed again, this one full of a wickedness and malice

Yuki was furious that she fell for a stupid trap like this, but she knew she needed to escape this hell. She sprinted through the halls, feeling her demonic powers surge again. Her speed only increased, but the halls of the castle continued to wind and expand further and further.

She was constantly getting mocked by Douma, and even the other demons who witnessed her laughed and egged her on. She felt tears beginning to sting her eyes, but she couldn't let them fall. She couldn't be vulnerable. If she doesn't get out of this labyrinth now, she probably never will.

She sprinted for what seemed like days, unable to make her way out. Douma was having so much fun toying with her, but Nakime had had enough with Douma's shenanigans.

"I think you've had enough fun Douma. You're basically torturing her"

"Oh, come on Nakime~ can't a demon have a little fun?"

"You've been making her run around the Infinity Castle like a demon with its head cut off for almost a week at this point. She's on the verge of passing out again from her powers. I'm teleporting her back to Tokyo. She needs medical attention"

Nakime plucked a string of her biwa, and Yuki got teleported out of the Infinity Castle.

"You're no fun." Douma pouted, crossing his arms.

"Quit complaining. You've had your fun for long enough. Don't you have some followers who need your undying attention?"

Yuki found herself in the woods, not fully knowing how she had gotten out of the Infinity Castle. She ran through the forest, searching for any signs of life.

Yuki noticed that the woods looked familiar to her. She was close to the Butterfly Mansion. Her energy surge was coming to an end, and her vision was blurring. Through blurred vision, and her weakened state, she could see the gate of the Mansion in front of her. She stumbled up to the gate, and raised her hand to knock on it, but her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she collapsed into the gate.

Rengoku and Shinobu heard the thud at the gate and quickly rushed to see what it was. When they opened the gate, they both looked at Yuki in panic, quickly kneeling to inspect her.

"Yuki! Are you ok?" Shinobu exclaimed, turning Yuki on her back.

Yuki lay unconscious on the floor, her body trembling, and pulse weak.

"We need to bring her inside! Now!" Rengoku yelled, picking Yuki up and rushing her into the med bay.

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