Chapter 24 - Lost in the Labyrinth

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All of the demons snapped back to reality, finding themselves on the ground of the infinity castle. "Tsuara, what the hell was that? Why did the dream realm shatter like that?" Muzan asked, looking over at Tsuara who was holding her head.

"Ugh... She must have snapped awake... haven't had that happen before..."

Muzan went over to her side, being almost gentle in a way, "Are you alright?"

"I'll be fine... just give me a minute to regain my bearings"

He nodded, standing up to check on Yuki. He walked over to her, and she was surprisingly quiet, acting like she was still asleep.

He reached to grab her chin, but as soon as he made contact, Yuki's body began to create a blue glow. In a violent outburst, she began to thrash against her chains, screaming at the top of her lungs.

"It was you! You killed my family! You turned me into this monster! What the hell did you do to my sister?!" Her eyes were glowing a bright icy blue as she looked at all of the demons in the room.

Tsuara, Akaza, and Douma all had red outlines around them, indicating their status as one of the Twelve Kisuki. However, when she looked at Muzan, he was outlined in black. The black outline indicating he was the strongest demon out of them all. The Demon King.

"My my... she's quite the feisty one isn't she?" Douma cooed, roughly grabbing her chin to inspect her, "And quite beautiful if I do say so myself..."

Akaza pinched his brow, pulling Douma away from Yuki, "That's enough from you. I'm sick and tired of you. Mind your own business for once in your life."

Tsuara finally picked herself up, not feeling the light headedness anymore, "That's enough. Both of you. We got what we came for, so let's leave her here and finish her off."

"I won't let you kill me!" Yuki screamed, beginning to freeze her shackles from the overwhelming amount of anger and power she was exuding.

"I don't think we asked for your opinion. You've served your purpose and given me the information I need..." Muzan explained, looking over to Douma, "Since I know Akaza wouldn't hurt a young woman like her, Douma, be useful for once and freeze her"

"Awe... do I have to...? I'd like to keep her for myself"

"She's a Hashira, and a strong one at that. With her powers she could take you out, now hurry up and do as I say before I behead you myself"

"Oh fine... but I'm not happy about this"

"No do-"

Before she could finish, her body was surrounded in an ice cold embrace. Douma had encased her body in ice, leaving her to be killed by the ice crystals that would fill her lungs.

"Such a waste of a gorgeous specimen... Oh well... Had to do it, even if it's a shame..."

"Stop complaining Douma," Akaza snapped, "Just shut up and go back to your loyal followers"

"Oh Akaza, always so hostile to me. And I thought we were friends" Douma rested his arm on Akaza's shoulder.

Akaza was quick to react by punching Douma in the jaw, splattering his blood across the floor. Muzan was unamused with Akaza's outburst and left without another word, trying to guide Tsuara out with him.

Tsuara kept her gaze on the ice, before looking at Muzan, "I'll follow in a minute. I want to make sure Akaza and Douma don't do anything stupid."

Muzan nodded, "Alright, but please get some rest soon. You still look rather weak"

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