Chapter 6 - Moral Code

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"Yuki, the start of your training has been approved by Master Ubuyashiki. We just have to follow a certain guideline."

Those few words were all Yuki needed, quickly going out to start her training with Giyu and Shinobu. She was only allowed to train while the both of them were watching. Shinobu there in case she lost control of her powers, and Giyu there to teach her how to use the Water Breathing form.

Yuki knew she wanted to learn Ice Breathing like the rest of her family, but needed to learn Water Breathing beforehand, since Ice derived from Water. Yuki also needed to learn how to use a nichirin blade before getting a second to dual wield. Ice breathing was one of the more complicated breathing styles to master, since dual wielding was required to use some of the forms.

When Yuki got her first blade, she watched it turn an icy blue just like the rest of her family. She smiled a wide grin seeing that, which made Giyu crack a small smile for once.

Giyu remembered a promise he once made to Kori. The promise was from a few years prior, but it now popped into his head seeing the beaming smile of Yuki.

"Please Giyu, if I ever die in this line of work, promise me you'll protect my sister. She means the world to me, as do you. Promise me you'll keep her safe."

"Don't worry Kori," he muttered, still keeping his eye on Yuki, "I'll keep her safe. I'll make sure she doesn't fall into Muzan's clutches."

Over the course of the first few months, she trained hard. She managed to properly wield her first sword in a matter of weeks, and mastered Water Breathing a few months later. The rate of her learning stunned both Giyu and Shinobu.

She eventually got approval to begin learning with a second sword, but she worried how she would train, since neither Giyu nor Shinobu could wield two swords at once. Her question was quickly answered when she learned there was a Hashira who used two blades himself.

He introduced himself as Tengen Uzui, the Sound Hashira. He was, in his own words, the flashiest of the Hashira. Yuki rolled her eyes at his egotistical introduction, but soon realized he went straight to business. She began to warm up to the man, seeing he was a lot kinder once you got to know him. She enjoyed learning under Tengen, even though he would always ask why Giyu and Shinobu had to be there as well.

Giyu continued to explain that there were special circumstances about her, and she needed supervision from the both of them the entire time she was training. He brushed it off, and quickly got Yuki to work, teaching her the ways of wielding two swords at once.

Yuki trained even harder under Tengen, since he had high expectations. She quickly exceeded them in a matter of weeks, impressing Tengen massively.

Yuki thanked him for all of the help, and to her surprise he complimented her, "I can see your sister in you. You'll be an excellent Demon Slayer some day, and who knows! Maybe you'll become a Hashira like the rest of us one day."

Those words of encouragement gave Yuki incredible hope that she would live up to her family name.

Giyu decided that Yuki was ready to go on her first actual mission. Both himself and Shinobu would join her in case things got out of hand.

They arrive at a home where a demon had been lurking around recently. The home was abandoned, but this demon used it to hide out during the day. Yuki began to feel nervous, knowing there was an actual demon inside. She felt a hand get rested on her shoulder, looking over it to see Shinobu standing there with a soft smile, "Don't worry Yuki. If things start to go wrong, both of us are out here as backup."

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