Chapter 22 - Locked in Demon Territory

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"So, this is the girl you've been talking about?"

"Yes it is. Yuki has been a hard one to catch. I told every Lower Moon to keep their eyes out for her, yet she came into contact with two, and killed them both. But now I finally have her right where I need her."

"She's only here because of me. For only being a half demon, she put up one hell of a fight. It wouldn't surprise me if she was an upper moon if you had fully turned her."

"I am grateful you brought her, even though you had quite a bit of resistance. You did let her escape though."

"If she was smart she would have ran, but she had to protect her lover instead. How pathetic. Her powers were pretty impressive though."

"Speaking of powers, didn't you mention she has powers similar to mine, Akaza?"

"Yes... I did, now get your hand off me before I blow your skull to bits."

"Now now, no need to be so hostile!"

"Why are you even here Douma? As far as I'm aware, Lord Muzan only summoned Tsuara and I, so I see no need for your presence"

"I only came because I wanted to admire the two beautiful women in the room. Also hearing Ms. Yuki had similar powers to mine caught my attention as well."

"God you're insufferable Douma."

"Both of you stop bickering already. Like Akaza said, only him and I have a reason to be here. I swear you two might as well be married from how much you fight with each other."

"As if you're one to talk Tsuara. Every Lower Moon argues over where they should be ranked because of how quickly your strength grew. How long have you been a demon anyway? A year and a half?"

"Not my fault those demons are weaker than I am, but speak for yourself. Douma has been a demon for less time than you, yet he's one rank higher than you. You couldn' beat him or Kokushibo in a fight if you tried."

"I think you'd be wise with what you say next. You might end up with a dismembered jaw like Douma's if you keep it up."

"Enough! Yuki's waking up."

Yuki slowly opened her eyes, adjusting to the dim light that was surrounding her. She moved her arms to find she had been restrained. Looking up at them, she saw they were strong metal chains, unlike the ropes she was tied up in, who knows how long ago. Once she realized what was happening, she felt her heart skip a beat, but the sound of someone clearing their throat caught her attention.

"Well now... Glad to see you finally decided to rejoin the land of the living."

Yuki looked up from where she heard the voice, and her blood ran cold. Standing before her were 4 different demons, all of them giving off different demeanors and auras.

The first demon gave off confident energy, but it was one she recognized. His pink hair and yellow eyes were hard to clear from her mind. This was the demon she saved Rengoku from back at the Mugen Train. This is the demon who brought her here. She believed his name was Akaza, but she wasn't quite sure if it was correct.

The second one's demeanor gave Yuki chills. She could see a curiosity behind his eyes, but she could tell he didn't feel anything. His skin was incredibly pale, and his hair matched the part. It was blonde, but almost platinum silver. His eyes were what caught her attention, gleaming with what seemed to be every color of the rainbow. Looking at his eyes, he seemed to be one rank higher than Akaza.

The third was a female whose skin was an icy blue. Her hair was a deep blue that faded into a snowy white. She couldn't get a read on her demeanor, but she had an odd feeling she deeply cared for others. This demon reminded her of her sister. Looking into her bright teal eyes, they only read as Lower Three. She was weak compared to everyone else in the room.

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