Chapter 37 - A Demon's True Power

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Yuki, Kanao, and Inosuke were resting in the remains of Douma's den, trying their best to patch up the injuries they had sustained. Kanao was looking pretty bad, having many deep wounds covering her arms and legs. Inosuke wasn't much better, having a deep gash across his torso.

Yuki had removed her haori, ripping it into pieces and using it to tie off all of their wounds. Kanao offered hers to tie off her wounds, but Yuki denied the offer, wanting to not have the haori in the first place, since she didn't want it to get in her way while attacking other demons. Yuki hadn't really had issues with her haori before, but she'd rather be safe than sorry, knowing that they would be fighting Kibutsuji sooner or later.

Yuki finished tying off Kanao's wounds, before looking over them one more time, "How are your wounds feeling?" she asks, making sure the wraps are tied tight enough.

"They feel ok. They're still pretty sore, but it's manageable." she responded, wincing a bit as she tried to get up.

Yuki frowned, seeing her wince from that pain, before gently pushing her back down, "Take a bit longer to rest. We're going to need you at as close to full strength as possible."

"Oh come on! We can't keep sitting here and doing nothing! We need to keep fighting!" Inosuke said, standing up and getting into Yuki's face.

"You shouldn't even be fighting at all!" Yuki shouted, her eyes starting to glow as an intimidation tactic, "Your injuries are much more severe than Kanao's!"

"I don't care! We need to kill Kibutsuji!"

"You think I don't know that?! So many others are probably already fighting him, and potentially severely injured or already dead. I cannot afford to have any more casualties! Both of you are heavily injured which puts you both in even greater danger. I don't want either of you to die, ok?!" she says, her voice filled with worry as she paces back and forth around the room.

"Hey, hey... calm down Yuki... don't get yourself so worked up..." Kanao says, pulling herself off the ground to rest a hand on Yuki's Shoulder, "We knew what we were getting into when we agreed to come on this mission. We know that we would be risking our lives. Even if we end up dying, we die protecting the ones we love, as well as the innocent people who don't know about demons at all."

"Yeah! It doesn't matter if we live or die, because we would have died with honor!" Inosuke chimed in, giving her a rough pat on the back.

Yuki couldn't help but chuckle, hearing their reasoning and smiled, "Thank you both. If you're sure about continuing on, even with your injuries, I won't stop you. If only my powers could heal your injuries so we wouldn't be at the disadvantage heading into the final battle... I would..."

Yuki had placed her hand onto one of Kanao's injuries, taking a deep breath and trying to channel her powers to heal her, not expecting anything to happen. As she held her hand there, her hand began to glow a pale bluer. Yuki was surprised that it started to glow, pulling it back in a panic, worrying that she was making the injury worse.

Kanao was also surprised, and felt a tingling underneath the wrap on her arm where the injury was. Out of curiosity, Kanao began to remove the wrap, seeing the once open wound was now closed, only leaving a scar where it once was.

Her eyes widened in surprise, looking up at Yuki, "How did you do that?!" she asked, staring at Yuki in disbelief.

Yuki looked at her arm, coming back and looking at the lone scar now there. Her eyes were wide, not believing she had just healed the injury, "I-I don't know..."

"You don't know...?" she asked, looking at her with a confused look, "Well, what were you thinking about when it happened?"

"Well, I was thinking about your wound being healed, while I held my hand above it."

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