Chapter 32 - A Battle Between Sisters

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"My my... This is only our second time meeting, and you're already shaking. Do I really scare you that badly?"

Tsuara was just toying with Yuki, but she was trembling, but not of fear, "After what you did, I only shake from the anger I've had bottled up in my body for months! You are nothing more than my outlet to take it all out!"

"So emotional... and to think I held sympathy for you after what I had to show you..."

"An Upper Moon like you would never show sympathy for anyone, let alone one of their victims," Giyu said, keeping a firm hand on Yuki's shoulder, "Don't let her words get to you. She's trying to make you vulnerable."

Yuki glanced at him, giving him a nod. She looked back to Tsuara. Speaking In a firm voice, "Why did you come here? Why scour this house from top to bottom when you know that no humans reside here?"

Tsuara couldn't help but chuckle, walking toward Yuki and gently caressing the side of her face and giving Yuki a wicked grin, "Have you already forgotten what I made you relive? I want the books."

Yuki grinned at Tsuara, before chuckling with a cockiness behind it, "You're a fool then, because those books haven't been in this house for over a year. You must have skipped over the memory of me taking them to a safer place."

Tsuara's eyes flickered in anger, before she dug her claws into Yuki's forehead, "Then if they aren't here, I'll just dive into your memories again to find out exactly where they are for Lord Muzan"

Yuki tried to remove the claws from her head, but could feel herself growing drowsy. She was trying to fight back against this demon, but she could feel herself losing the battle as her body started to fall back.

Giyu rushed over to attack Tsuara, swinging at the hand digging into Yuki's head, "Get off of her!" he shouts, quickly swinging his sword.

Tsuara saw this and quickly jumped away from his blade, releasing Yuki as he did that, "Tsk, clearly I won't get the answers I need while you're here, so I'll just have to get rid of you before that!" Tsuara summoned two katanas and charged toward Giyu at an alarming speed.

Giyu started to clash blades with Tsuara, taking glances at Yuki every once in a while to see if she was ok. He wasn't seeing any signs of her waking up any time soon, and worried that he would have to fight this demon alone.


"Yuki, can you hear us?"

Two voices called out to Yuki, and she felt her consciousness returning in her mind.

"Yuki! Can you hear us?"

"Please, say something darling."

The voices sounded familiar to her, and it made her open her eyes. Standing before her were faces she recognized, and had always felt comfortable with.

"M-Mother... F-Father..."

Her mother smiled and stepped up to gently caress her face, "My dear... I know that we can't stay here for long, so please listen to what we are going to say."

"But... I thought that you wouldn't be able to speak with me again after the last time..."

"For in person, yes. Your mother has spoken with you before, but with me here as well, we were able to get the strength we needed. You know that the both of us will always be with you in spirit as well..." her father said, taking a step forward as well.

"Listen. We know that this battle will be difficult, but you have the strength to defeat her."

"You are so strong, and you have your powers that can assist you in getting the upper hand."

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