Chapter 26 - The Road to Recovery

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Rengoku quickly ran into the Butterfly Mansion, rushing toward the Med Bay alongside Shinobu. Rengoku looked down at Yuki's unconscious body in his arms, his mind filled with immense worry, as well as many questions. He had know idea what Yuki must have been through, but to end up in her current state, it must have been brutal...

They ran past Kanao as they rushed to the Med Bay, Kanao now following close behind them. She kept pace with the two Hashira, speaking with conviction and concern, "Lady Shinobu! Lord Rengoku! What happened to Lady Sunofureku?! Why is she like this?"

Shinobu opened the door to the Med Bay, ushering both Rengoku and Kanao inside. Rengoku set Yuki down on the bed before Shinobu turned to Kanao to answer her question, "She had gotten taken by an Upper Rank Demon... She's been MIA for a month... but she stumbled into the Butterfly Mansion, and collapsed in front of us... I hate seeing her like this... it's horrible..."

"We don't have time to be dwelling on this..." Rengoku interrupts, "We need to assess Yuki's condition, and see if she's going to be ok..."

"Right, right... Let me get my things ready, then I can start examining her and checking her injuries and overall condition." Shinobu and Kanao went to grab different medicine's, tools, and bandages.

Rengoku was pacing back and forth, extremely worried about Yuki's condition. He kept looking back and forth between Yuki's unconscious body, and Shinobu preparing for the examination. He wanted to ask Shinobu to hurry, but he knew that Shinobu wouldn't be happy if he said anything to her.

After a few minutes, Shinobu and Kanao came back over to the exam bed, and began to go over Yuki's injuries. Shinobu stripped Yuki of her uniform and haori, putting the tattered pieces of clothing to the side. Shinobu needed a better look at Yuki's body, so she left her in her undergarments. Once everything was off, Shinobu's face filled with concern, before speaking up, "Rengoku... you might want to take a look at this..."

"What's the matter, Shinobu?" he asks, walking over to her, and glancing at Yuki's body.

As Rengoku stared down at Yuki's body, his face now twisting with concern seeing it. The entire left side of her body had turned into this twisted, demonic skin. It had only been her face and arm, but now to see the entirety of her left side like this, concerned everyone in the room.

"Her entire left side is covered... she must have been using her powers to defend herself against the demon moons..."

"Do you think she'll be ok...?" Rengoku solemnly asked, letting the reality of the situation sink in.

Shinobu wasn't looking at Rengoku, noticing small trembles in Yuki's form, "At this point... I don't know... She's in a critical condition..." She sighs, before turning to Kanao, who was still in the room, "Kanao, could you go get Yuki's medicine? It should be in her room, but if it isn't there, there is a purple vial inside the medicine cabinet in my room."

"Ok, do you need me to get a syringe too?" Kanao quietly asks.

"Yes. Please hurry"

"Ok. I'll be back shortly." Kanao leaves the room, going to find the medicine and syringe for Shinobu. Once she left, only Rengoku and Shinobu remained in the room.

Rengoku kept looking back and forth between Yuki and the door of the Med Bay. His mind was still racing with anxiety, wondering what could have happened to the person he loved most. He was getting lost in his questions, before hearing Shinobu, who snapped him out of his head.

"Rengoku, are you ok?"

He looked up at her, now seeing her concerned expression. He let out a sigh, before sitting down in a chair, and giving his answer, "At this point... I can't say if I'm ok or not. Seeing Yuki in such a terrible state deeply hurts me. It makes me feel as if I failed... not only as the Flame Hashira, but also as her partner. It was my duty to keep her safe... and I failed..."

"You aren't the only one who thinks they failed in their duty..." Shinobu calmly stated, sitting down in a chair across from him.

"What do you mean Shinobu?"

"Giyu has been having a hard time dealing with this too... Once he heard Yuki had been kidnapped, he had been searching for her every day and night... After days of searching, he just began to take his frustrations out during training..."

"He's been that worried?"

"Of course... Giyu made a promise to Kori, that he would protect her no matter what... so hearing she had fallen into Muzan's hands, made him incredibly upset...

"He made that promise...?"

"Yes... He also feels as if he failed. Not only Yuki, but his partner, Kori as well."

Rengoku nodded hearing this, his face faltering even more as he leaned forward in his chair, "I had no idea Giyu had all that pressure on his shoulders. You probably made a similar promise as Yuki's guardian and trainer..."

"You're right... I do feel as if I failed... but you must remember that we cannot dwell on that. You've been so blinded by your own fears and worries, that you didn't think about what everyone else around you has been feeling as well..."

Rengoku deeply sighed at those words. He knew she was right. He looked up at Shinobu, now sitting back up in the chair, "You're right Shinobu... I haven't been thinking about the others... I've been so caught up in my own worries, that I haven't stopped to consider what everyone else is going through."

Shinobu nods as she listens to Rengoku. She gave him a soft smile before speaking up, "I'm glad you were able to come to that conclusion. It makes me happy, and I do hope you can talk to the others, because you know all of us will be here to support you..." Shinobu takes a breath, placing a hand onto Rengoku's shoulder, preparing herself for what she has to say next, "Now, I know you want to stay here with Yuki... but once Kanao comes back with Yuki's medicine, I'll have to have you step out... Kanao and I will need all the space we can so we can begin her treatment."

Rengoku looked disappointed to hear Shinobu say that, but he nodded his head as he gently took Yuki's hand in his own, "I understand..."

As he held onto Yuki's calloused hands, he could feel her light trembling soon become a more violent shake.

"Shinobu... She's shaking..."

Shinobu quickly stood up in her chair, her eyes widening in panic, "Damnit! Where is Kanao!? What's taking her so long?!" Shinobu ran to the open door, quickly taking a large breath and shouting, "Kanao! We need that medicine now! She's beginning to become unstable!"

Rengoku grew fearful with those words, now standing from his chair and frantically asking, "What do you mean she's becoming unstable!?"

Shinobu didn't answer, now quickly pulling on glows and a surgical gown. She began to prepare things for treatment, when Kanao came bursting into the Med Bay with the vial of medicine and syringe, "Sorry I took so long! I couldn't find it in Yuki's room or in yours, so I had to make more! It's ready!"

Shinobu nodded, taking the medicine and syringe from Kanao, "Thank you. Put on gloves and a gown now. I'm going to need your help with this."

"Got it! Just tell me what you need me to do"

Rengoku was standing off to the side, seeing the two women now frantically working. He was terrified with what was happening with Yuki, "Shinobu..."

"Rengoku, I need you to step out. I need space to treat Yuki" Shinobu sternly said, not looking up at him, quickly getting to work.

"But, Shinobu-"

"I said you need to step out!" She sternly stated again, now giving him a piercing gaze, "I'll come get you once she's in a more stable condition, I promise"

"A-Alright... Please come find me once you're done..."

"I will. Don't worry"

Rengoku nodded, stepping out of the Med Bay, and closing the door behind him. He lingered outside of the room for a minute, before beginning to walk down the hall. His mind was racing, wondering if Yuki would be ok...

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