Chapter 35 - Shinobu's Sacrifice

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The plummet into the Infinity Castle felt endless. Everything was pitch black as Yuki fell deeper and deeper into this endless abyss, before she was able to see any sort of ground to land on. She didn't have much time to brace or impact, before crashing into the ground below.

She felt the air escape her lungs as she hit the ground, needing a minute to catch her breath before she could stand back out.

"Are you alright Yuki?" a quiet voice asked from behind her/

Yuki jumped, quickly reaching for one of her swords, but noticed that it wasn't a demon standing there, but Shinobu instead, "Oh, Shinobu! Sorry, I wasn't expecting to see anyone else here..."

"It's alright," she said with a soft chuckle, "but are you injured? That was quite the fall you just took."

"I'm ok. No injuries from what I can tell. Just got the wind knocked out of me."

"That's good. Now get up. We need to locate the others and kill Kibitsuji." Shinobu walked up to her, offering her hand to help her up, giving her usual smile.

Yuki took Shinobu's hand and pulled herself up. She brushed herself off before beginning to walk forward, "Ugh... I hate seeing these damn walls again... everything looks the same and you never know when the structure will change..."

Shinobu walked along with Yuki, looking around at the walls, "I'm assuming you were trapped here for a while after getting kidnapped by Akaza?"

"Yeah, but I didn't see much of him other than the initial interrogation. It was mainly Douma after I had escaped my bindings. He was constantly toying with me, exhausting me to the point of... well, you saw when I got back to the Butterfly Mansion..."

"D-Did you... say Douma...?" Shinobu asked, looking at Yuki with a hint of fear... but also anger.

"I did... why do you ask...?"

"He's the demon who killed my older sister, Kanae. He wasn't able to consume her due to the sun rising, but the damage had already been done... I have a score to settle with him."

Yuki nodded, continuing to walk forward, before getting the smell of something... that something being blood that was fresh... "Someone's injured! Come on Shinobu! We have to hurry!"

The two of them quickly ran further up the halls. The further they ran, Yuki started to recognize a few details on the walls that looked familiar. After running for more, Yuki felt her entire body tense, stopping in her tracks.

Shinobu looked back at Yuki, concern crossing her face, "Yuki, what's the matter? Why did you stop running?"

Yuki let out a shaky sigh, looking at the door that was in front of them, "I think you might be able to settle that score..." she quietly said, before sliding the door open.

Yuki and Shinobu stood in the doorway in horror, seeing Douma inside eating one of his female followers, "I think I'm going to be sick..." Shinobu muttered, covering her mouth.

Douma heard her mutter, looking back at the two Hashira now standing in his doorway with a wicked grin, "Well, look who's coming to pay little old me a visit! I'll be honest, I didn't think I'd ever see either of you again, especially you Yuki~" Douma stepped forward quickly toward Yuki, reaching his bloody hand up to caress her cheek.

Shinobu quickly drew her nichirin blade, aiming it at Douma's throat, "Don't take another step! Not unless you want your head to be cut off!"

Douma chuckled, pushing her sword away from his neck, before getting right in Shinobu's face, "So feisty... but you know that you couldn't cut my head off even if you tried..." He chuckled, before looking Shinobu over and asking, "Aren't you the little sister of that one Hashira I killed a couple years ago? It really was such a shame that the sun was rising... I would have loved to consume her and be one with her..."

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