Chapter 30 - A Night to Remember

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Kyojuro guided Yuki through the gardens, showing her around the home he grew up in. The two held hands as they gazed up at the night sky. The crickets chirped as they continued to walk through the gardens.

As they walked, Kyojuro knew what he wanted to do, but he couldn't help but feel nervous. Yuki could tell he was thinking about something and squeezed his hand, "Is there something on your mind Kyojuro?"

"Hm? No. I'm just glad we are finally getting some time to ourselves, don't you think?"

"I know. It's so peaceful just spending time with you. It's been so long since we got to be alone together."

"I know... but tonight it can be just the two of us. We can spend all night together and just talk."

Yuki chuckled as the two of them walked together, before Kyojurp let go of Yuki's hand. She looked at him confused, "Kyojuro? Why did you let go? Are you sure that nothing is wrong?"

Kyojuro chuckled, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, "I'm sure. Just close your eyes for me, ok?"

Yuki was even more confused, "Close my eyes? What for?"

"Trust me. Just close your eyes and let me guide you. There's a special place I want to show you, ok?"

Yuki couldn't help but chuckle, before she closed her eyes, "Alright Kyo, my eyes are closed."

Kyojuro gently took her hand, guiding her down the gravel path. He made sure that she didn't trip or run into anything as he guided her. After a few minutes, he stopped to move out of her way, "Alright. You can open your eyes now."

Yuki opened her eyes, being met with a beautiful sight. There were fairy lights all around, illuminating the small garden before her. There was a small table set up with a few desserts, as well as a bottle of wine.

"Kyojuro... what is all of this...?"

He chuckles, grabbing a cupcake from the table and handing it to her, "Well... I did want us to spend some time alone with you tonight... so I asked Senjuro to set this up for us."

Yuki couldn't help but blush as she took the cupcake from his hand, "You didn't have to go through all this trouble just for me you know."

He chuckled, giving Yuki a kiss before sitting down at the table, gesturing for her to sit with him, "I know I didn't, but I wanted to treat you like a queen tonight."

She blushed as she sat down across from him, taking a bite of the cupcake she was holding. She got a bit of frosting on her nose as she took the bite. She chuckled as she tried to wipe it off, "I guess you can't me anywhere. I'm just making a mess of myself."

Rengoku chuckled as well, reaching to wipe the frosting off her face, "It's alright, my love. No one is perfect." He licked the frosting off his finger, giving Yuki a wink.

Yuki's face flushed more from the embarrassment she felt, looking away and covering her face, "Kyojuro! T-That's so embarrassing!"

Kyojuro let out a loud laugh as he stood up to grab Yuki's hand. "It isn't embarrassing my dear. It's just us right now, so no one is going to see what we are doing," He walked over to a small stool and grabbed the blanket that was sitting on top of it. He unfolded it, and spread it across the soft grass before sitting down. He glanced up at Yuki, and gestured for her to join him, "Here. Come sit down next to me."

Yuki lets out a soft giggle as she sits down next to him on the blanket, "What's the blanket for? Are we going to have a picnic on the ground instead of at the table?"

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