[ Be Obsessed With Me ] Jeongin x Reader

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Shout out to: @ChloeMillete  and @4llie12345
for requesting pt 2 of Be Obsessed With Me! Also thank you guys for leaving some requests! ANYWAYS LOVE YAAAA ENJOY!!! (sorry its quite short) 


The room was dim having only one light bulb providing its light, old dusty boxes were stacked closely to the walls and covering any window that could reveal the tied-up boy's whereabouts, there was one wall that wasn't blocked by any boxes though, the wall was special in a case. It held thousands of pictures of the tied-up boy and even had some notes pasted on with written information. 

His head started to spin as he finally gained consciousness once again, he groaned as the killing headache appeared as if he had just woken up from being drunk. He couldn't remember much of what had happened but what he did remember was that his kidnapper had fooled him into hanging out with her and sneakily made him drink his favourite drink which contained a drug to make anyone knocked out. The memories flushed into his head as he looked around, he should have been panicking, scared of what would happen to him after his kidnapper found him awake, he should have been mad, mad for being betrayed by the person he was close to, he should have been feeling these spiralling emotions like how any normal being would. 

But he wasn't normal at all. No, instead of these feelings of fear and betrayal, he felt a wave of excitement rush through his body. He knew who kidnapped him, it was his precious Y/n Aishi. Seeing the wall of his own pictures in front of him just proves that Y/n Aishi, the girl that he has been so deeply in love with feels the same dangerous sparks for him. Knowing that kidnapping him was Y/n's way of making the first move made his stomach release all the butterflies. Heat rose to his face as he pictured Y/n taking her time out of her day to write all the strangely accurate information that was pasted on her wall. 

The excitement in him just rushed faster as the sound of a humming melody danced in his ears 'Y/n's here!' he thought as he couldn't help but let out a wide smile knowing that the love of his life was coming closer and closer. The door of the attic creaked open as Y/n's figure entered "Oh! You're already awake!" she chirped happily, "I brought you some water in case your head is hurting." she lovingly said revealing a glass of water as she walked towards Jeongin tied-up to a chair. "Oh? You're not scared that I kidnapped you?" Y/n asked confusingly as she watched Jeongin immediately chugging down the water after she placed it close to his mouth "What do you mean?" Jeongin asked as he decided to play with her for a bit before actually confessing, "Why wouldn't I be?" Jeongin asked a follow-up question "I literally kidnapped you!" she exclaimed as she put away the glass. "Why did you kidnap me?" he asked wanting to know her reason even when his answer was right behind her. "So that no one could take you away from me. You're mine Jeongin, and I'm not ever planning on sharing a single hair strand of yours with anyone else, especially with any other girls," she spoke darkly, a crazy look flooded her eyes as she ran her hand through his hair. "You're just so perfect... made for me, and me only." she happily squealed "And now that you're here, I will make sure that no one would ever step in our way," she spoke as she allowed her hands to trail down his jawline and cupping his cheeks. Her eyes held a look of red and craziness and Jeongin couldn't help but melt under those gazes. Her red irises sparkled under the dim light, it was beautiful. Almost as if her eyes were rubies. 

"Why should I be scared when the love of my life, who I'm equally obsessed with kidnapped me?" Jeongin asked with a happy smirk, the light in his eyes beamed with joy as he watched Y/n's surprised expression switch to a flustered face. "Wait, wait, what?!" she asked as she let go of his face and backed away slightly "Aw, look at you. Just a second ago you were so bold and hot, but when I opened my mouth you turned into a cute blushing mess." Jeongin leaned over and smirked as he tilted his head to the side. "Also, if you don't believe me about being in love with you, take my phone out," he told her as he nudged over his pocket. Y/n got curious wanting to know if his words were true or not, so she decided to listen to his suggestion and took his phone out of his pocket but when she was going to unlock it, the password came up. "My password is your birthday," Jeongin spoke up and had a smug look when Y/n saw that it was correct. "Go to my gallery, and you'll see an album with your initials," Jeongin spoke as he looked to the side. Y/n opened the spoken app and easily found the album that Jeongin was telling her about. 

Inside were thousands, and thousands of images of her and her alone, some with her friends but everything was her and the images that she had sent him. "Shocked? I can tell." Jeongin laughed as he watched Y/n's expression as she continuously scrolled through the pictures. It seemed to be never-ending, in a split second Jeongin was right next to Y/n. "So, my little stalker, are you satisfied with the outcome?" Jeongin asked as he pulled Y/n closer to him and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Very," Y/n said with a shy smile. "God, you're adorable," he muttered loud enough for her to hear and soon closed the gap between them. 

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