[ Act Well, Earn Well ] Bang Chan x Reader

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Bang Chan, is the leader of Stray Kids and the person who has the biggest crush on Yoon Y/n, the lead dancer for STORMies. Chan loved how Y/n was, she was strong, and whenever she needed she would always voice out her ideas without hesitation. Her dance was always sharp and smooth, people would always get enchanted when she was in the middle of the stage dancing her heart out. She was confident in what she did, her heart was pure gold, and she was cheeky. Her fans adored her for her dance, her voice, her humour, and her looks but none of them can top Chan as being her biggest fan. 

He loved her for everything. Her little habits, her flaws, her determination, everything about her just made her seem so perfect in his eyes. He even went as far as making a fake account to like all her pictures and fan-made videos.





I linger in my room trying to write our upcoming song, I tap my pen against the notebook that has been sitting on my desk for ages, writing things that may have the chance of becoming the official words of the song as I hum the tune that I had kept in my head. I stopped for a moment and placed my pen on the book that had some lyrics written on it, I sat back against my chair and glanced up. 'I wonder if Y/n would like our song...' I thought for a moment and soon my thoughts drifted to a scenario of Y/n listening to the new song that we have yet to upload for STAYS to hear out loud. 

She sat in front of me with headphones on her head, the headphones were connected to my laptop as the newly made song blasted through the headphones. She seems like she enjoyed the song and looks really impressed at the chosen lyrics and the music that fitted the lyrics perfectly. I felt myself smile as I watched her lightly bop her head to the beats, when the song came to an end she took the headphones off "You really wrote all of this? Chan, this song is great!" she complimented with a bright smile on her face "Thanks Y/n, I'm glad you liked it." Chan smiled back she placed the headphones on the desk and laid her head on my shoulder "I love the song, the lyrics and everything were perfect. I'm sure STAY will love it too, best leader." she chuckled as I rested my head on top of her's. 

Soon the scenario came to an end with me smiling softly as my heart made runs and my stomach made flips. I could just wish that Y/n would see me like how I see her. But I knew that I could only imagine having her resting in my arms after a long day of dance practice. My members knew very well about my crush on Y/n and they knew very well that I could never bring myself up for the risk of ruining the carefully sculptured friendship that Y/n and I had built over the years. I glanced over at the clock and realised that Y/n and her group should be in the practice room by now, I felt an excited feeling rush through my entire body. Y/n had invited me and the boys to watch them practice, of course, I made sure that the other girls were okay with it and thankfully they were fine with the idea. 

I walked out and saw that everyone was already waiting for me "Looks like Chan's excited." Changbin teased as the others smirked at me, I smiled knowing that a blush had crept up my face "Come on, let's not make Channie wait any longer to see his dear Y/n." Jisung suggested as the others snickered "One day... because of you guys my secret will be let out." I shook my head as we all headed out of the door "At least she'll find out and finally be your girlfriend." Lee Know gave his cheeky grin as I felt my face heat up. 

The rest of the walk was filled with the boys teasing the heck out of me. My chest hurts from the amount of times my heart beats with each tease. But I wonder... 'Will I ever be able to call myself Y/n's boyfriend?' 





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