[ Forever A Sleepyhead ] Minho x Reader

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"Dad! How did you and Mommy meet?" a little girl who wasn't any younger or any older but 5 years old tugged Minho's pants demanding to know his and his wife's love story. Minho smiled warmly and lifted the little girl. 

"Well, Lina when I met your mother, she was no different than she is today." Minho started as he walked carefully through her bedroom and out of the door. Minho's smile slightly widened when he saw that his daughter mimicking a certain action that she had gained from her mother which was tilting her head showing that they were confused. "Let's start over, shall we? I met your mother in high school, and on the first day she was already titled as the 'Sleepyhead'." Minho started but stopped when he saw that his daughter wanted to say something. 

"Oh! Just like how Uncle Minnie calls Mommy Sleepyhead!" Lina said excitedly, Minho chuckled and nodded.

"Yes, exactly how Uncle Minnie calls her sleepyhead. Anyways, a few weeks passed and I barely ever saw her awake, she would sleep during class, during recess, during breaks, and I'm pretty sure that a student found her sleeping in the girl's toilet." Minho laughed at the memory of a student coming into his class and telling the teacher that Y/n was sleeping soundlessly in one of the stalls. "I never spoke to your mother until one day, she was sleeping at her desk as usual but what I noticed was that she was surrounded by a group of kids and those kids were not nice people." 

"Huh? They're not? What did they do?" Lina asked wanting to know what happened to her beloved mother. 

"Those kids were recording her and one of them had 3 dictionaries in his hands and he lifted it above Mommy's head wanting to drop all 3 of them on her head and another kid was standing in front of her with a bucket of water so that he could spill it on her," Minho answered as he walked down the stairs.

"WHAT?! How dare they try to do that to my mommy! I swear if I meet them I'm going to go up to them and say 'FUCK YOU'!" Lina said but was quickly shut up by Minho's hand over her mouth, Minho looked around and then let out a sigh of relief. 

"Hey, I know that I'm the one that taught you how to swear but not too loud alright? Your mother will kill me." Minho said after looking around, "Anyways, I was able to stop them before they did anything but even after that day they kept bugging her. So what I did was I somehow made friends with your mother and I stayed by her every day. Eventually, I started to fall in love with your mother, I mean who wouldn't?"

"I know right! Mama is the prettiest woman in the world!" Lina exclaims with a wide grin. 

"Yes, yes she is! Anyways then one day I mustered up the courage to finally confess to her and surprisingly, she agreed to my confession and then we started to date and now fast forward a few years here we are." Minho said as he went into the living room where he found his wife peacefully sleeping with his oldest child which is his son, Min Jun, and his 4-month-old son, Byeong-Ho sleeping comfortably on her stomach while Min Jun was sleeping while sitting up on the couch. 

STRAY KIDS ONE-SHOTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora