[ Cold Hearted Husband (?) ] Minho x Reader

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- The legally or recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship (historically and in some specifically a union between a man and a woman).

That's what you call a marriage, it will happen with everyone at some point. And every marriage should be a happy marriage, full of love and trust. 

Y/n, the wife of Lee Minho was only married to him on paper. This marriage wasn't a choice, it was forced. She didn't know him at all, she only met him when he and his parents came to confirm the agreement of the marriage. But even if Y/n doesn't like him, she still tried to be a great wife to him but his cold gaze just shows that he doesn't care about her or her actions. The more time Y/n spent with him, the more her feelings grew for her cold husband. She never dared to speak of her feelings since she knew he'd just divorce her and she did not want that. 


Y/n was finishing up a meal in the kitchen for her husband who should be coming back from work. "I hope that he'll eat this time. I haven't seen him eat ever since we got married." Y/n thought to herself as she placed the food on the table and as if on cue, Minho walked in. His hair was slightly messy and his necktie hung loosely around his neck. "Welcome home! Come and eat Minho," Y/n said with a warm smile but that warmth slowly faded when she saw the cold gaze at Minho's eyes. "I'm not hungry." he coldly said as he walked past her, Y/n felt upset seeing that Minho simply just walked by without eating anything. 

Y/n went back to the table where the food was left alone, she sat down and rested her head on it, "Why must he be so cold to me? Does he even want to be married to me? Should I file a divorce with him?" Y/n started to overthink as she was left alone. The silence in the room grew louder but her thoughts were way louder. She just stood up and kept the food away, she decided to go back to her bedroom. Minho and her have separated rooms since Minho said that he didn't want to sleep with her so she just took the guest room. While walking past Minho's room she accidentally overheard the conversation he was having with his bodyguard. 

"Sir, why do you not spend time with Miss Y/n? Don't you love her?" the bodyguard asked, Y/n stood near the door and listened. "Of course I love her but I don't want her to think of me as someone weak," he admitted as he took over his blazer and his necktie. "I love her so much, it hurts me seeing how hurt she looked when I act cold to her. I truly hope that she doesn't think that I hate her. Does she?" he sadly asked the bodyguard with a pleading look, "With the way you act with her, she probably does." the bodyguard admitted and Minho let out a heavy sigh.

Y/n who was feeling mixed emotions quickly scattered to her own bedroom. She closed the door and fell to her bed looking at the ceiling. When she was left alone a smile crept on her face. "So he really does like me? Heh, how cute!" she smiled like a complete fool. She went to bed with ease knowing that Minho really did love her. The next morning, Y/n woke up earlier than she usually does she found herself not being able to go to bed so instead of just laying down on her bed, she went out for a walk. She walked along the roads, her body moving through the cold wind now she regrets not bringing a jacket with her as she felt shivers going up her body. The sunrise was beautiful, Y/n walked through the park as she admired the quiet lanes, the blooming flowers, the busy bees, the cats going for their own morning walk, and the trees dancing along with the cold wind. Y/n sat on the grass looking up at the mixed-coloured sky, she admired the beauty of the sky without noticing a cat silently approaching her. 

The cat silently jumped on Y/n's lap and snuggled in her warm embrace. Y/n looked down on her lap to see the kitty looking up at her so sweetly, a sweet little meow escaped from the cat's mouth. Y/n was awed at the cuteness of the cat and started to pet the cat's head and chin, Y/n continued to play with the cat for a while not paying attention to the timing. "Eeek, you're so cute!" Y/n complimented as she run her hands through the cat's fur, finally, she noticed a few other people at the park. "What time is it now? I was the only one here a while ago," she thought before she checked her phone which showed 12:57 am "Eh? Wasn't I here at 8 o'clock? I should head home." she told herself as she put the cat to the side and gave one last pet. "Sorry kitty, but I have to head home now. My husband might question my disappearance." Y/n told as she smiled sadly at the cat. She started to walk away but the cat followed her, "Hm? Do you want to come home with me?" Y/n asked out loud at the cat, the cat meowed at her as its response, Y/n's face lit up as she picked up the cat "You are now my cat!" Y/n smiled as she held the cat high until she lowered it to her hugging her new cat. Y/n walked home with her new pet and after a while, she finally reached home, before she could even touch the doorknob a loud shout was heard. 

"WHERE THE FUCK IS MY WIFE?!?!?!" Y/n and the cat looked at the door in shock. Y/n slowly opened the door to see Minho holding a bodyguard by the shoulders and shaking him aggressively. "WHERE. THE. FUCKERY. FUCK. IS. MY. WIFEEEEE!!!" he yelled as he shook the poor guy with every word but he shook him even more with his last word. "S-sir! Please calm down, we'll find her!" another bodyguard stuttered trying to save the poor guy. "I SWEAR TO GOD IF SHE COMES BACK WITH A SINGLE SCRATCH OR BRUISE OR EVEN A SINGLE BIT OF DIRT ON HER I WILL PUNCH EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU IN THE FACE!" Minho yelled as he finally let go of the poor man. Y/n walked up behind Minho and tapped his shoulder "WHAT?!" Minho yelled but quickly shut up when he realised that it was Y/n, "Y/n!" he smiled so widely as he threw a big hug, "I have never seen you this happy just by seeing me." Y/n laughed, and soon Minho let go and smiled shyly. He looked at Y/n's arms and realised the cat looking at him "Aaaww the cat is adorable! We're keeping her or him." Minho stated so quickly which made Y/n laugh. 

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