[ My Reason To Love ] Seungmin x Reader

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Jang Y/n has never found any interest in loving anyone, but her best friend Kim Seungmin finds it interesting how two people could magically find a special bond with each other. 

"Bye Mom, I'm heading out!!" Y/n called out after she had put on her shoes "Okay dear, stay safe!" her mother yelled out from the kitchen as Y/n closed the door and began to make her way down the street. Y/n was walking to the bus stop where she agreed with Seungmin to meet up for their walk to school, the breeze in her hair and face brought a calm resting face upon her. She then walked past a pair of girls on a bench, one of them was crying while the other was comforting the crying one. "Why would he break up with me??" the crying girl sobbed into her palms while her friend continuously tried to comfort her. 

'And this is why I prefer not getting involved with all this love shit.' Y/n thought to herself as she continued to walk to the bus stop. Y/n was raised learning to never depend on love, she used to think that love was a special fairy tale sort of thing that everyone gets to experience, but ever since her dad left her mom when she was 9, she started to see love differently. To her, it was useless, it left nothing but pain to the one who tried their best to maintain the relationship, love was just a game to be played by those who wouldn't stay loyal to their loving partners as if they would die if they didn't have another lover on the side. 

"Seung!!" she yelled as she started to pick up her pace to the bus stop, she saw her best friend, Seungmin sitting under the shade the bus stop provided with its roof, he was reading a book but once he heard Y/n's voice chipped in, he had to close his book for her. He stood up and grabbed his bag as he watched Y/n's figure run closer and closer "Dude! I was walking near the park, right? Then there were these 2 girls on one of the benches and one of the girls was crying so much cuz apparently, her boyfriend dumped her!" she quickly shared the information she had saw while making her way to the bus stop as the two of them started to walk to school. "Really?" Seungmin asked as he held his book close "Yeah! I honestly feel bad for her, but I still don't get why people even bother falling in love!" she exclaimed as she shoved her hands into her pockets, Seungmin looked at her as if she was an alien "And why's that?" he asked looking at her.

Y/n then shot him a weird and confused look "What do you mean "WhY's ThaT"? Love is just a game that everyone wants to play but doesn't want to follow the rules!" Y/n exclaimed as she let out a huff, "Love isn't just some game!" Seungmin fought back having no idea why he and his best friend were having this argument "There isn't any reason why you want to get with someone! It's either for the money, their looks, or their fame! So why even bother finding love if that's all that everyone wants?" Y/n cocked her head towards him raising an eyebrow "Y/n, I am telling you! There are so much more reasons to love someone, but your blind and stupid ass can't see that!" Seungmin rolled his eyes "You show me these reasons and THEN I'll believe you." Y/n said sassily as she snapped her head back to the front "Fine!" 




Right now the two of them are sitting in class, it is lunchtime and everyone else is in the cafeteria so this just gives them time to discuss Seungmin's reasons for loving someone. "Okay! The first reason it says here is because of compatibility!" Seungmin exclaimed as he looked into the website page that was opened on his phone "Are you seriously using a website page for this?" Y/n asked as she tried to take a look at his phone "Shut up and listen. Apparently one of the crucial factors that makes you fall in love is compatibility. It's not just about how much you physically attract the person, how you connect with common interests also matters. When you and your partner share the same values and similar interests, and most of your opinions match, it means you and your partner are compatible, and that brings you closer to each other, creating a deep sense of admiration and devotion for each other." Y/n watched as Seungmin read every word that was said on the webpage. 

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