[ Her Annoying Drug ] Seungmin x Reader

978 12 1

A loud slap was heard in the household of the Chul's. What is happening you may ask, well Mr And Mrs Chul are mad at their daughter, Y/n Chul.

Y/n Chul was the top student in her whole school, she aced every test, exam, and quiz! For every winner of any pageant or competition, her name would be the one that the teachers would call out as their number 1 winner. She was the school's star pupil. If she was doing so well in school, why on earth are her parents so crossed with her?

Well, Y/n being in first place lasted long, ever since first grade. Until he came along. Kim Seungmin.

He surprised every student and teacher when he was the person that scored a mark higher than Y/n. Y/n fell to 2nd place in the whole school. This wouldn't be seen as a big deal but to her parents it was bigger than a tower.

"You useless child! Why are you slacking so much?!?! You're slacking so much in your studies that another student took your place!!" Y/n's father yelled in her face after a harsh smack.

"What a disgraceful child." her mother in the background of her father scoffed and looked away not bearing to look at Y/n's glossy eyes.

Y/n looked down at the ground as she used every bit of strength that she had in herself to not let a single teardrop.

" You're such a disappointment, get out of my house and go to school you dumb child!" her father yelled looking away from Y/n. Y/n bowed and left the house letting her tears fall as she walked to school. As she cried harder, her brain started thinking about how and why this happened to her.

"Why... Why did this happen to me...? It took me years to make my parents proud of me! I gave them my achievements, my grades, everything yet that wasn't enough to satisfy them! It was all going well until... Until..." Y/n's brain started to travel as her legs stopped. She looked at the ground not wiping a single tear that stayed still on her cheek. That's when all her sadness flushed away from her heart but instead was replaced with rage when she realized why it had all gone down for her. "It was all so good... Until he came along. They were proud of me until he came, they were happy until he came, they loved me until he came... Kim Seungmin... I hate you." Y/n thought clutching her fist tightly.


That was months ago, Seungmin continued to top Y/n in everything. He was always one step ahead which made Y/n hate him more. What made it worse is that Seungmin loves to disturb Y/n which annoys Y/n a lot.

Right now Y/n was left alone in class while everyone is out for their lunch. The class was quiet and calm, the perfect place for her to study. Until the man she hates with all her heart decided to drop in.

"Oh~ what's this? Little miss study freak is here!" a voice that Y/n hates to the core sang into her ears automatically destroying her peaceful environment. She sighed annoyingly and looked at him with pure hatred in her eyes.

"What do you want Kim? Ugh, whatever just leave me alone." Y/n rolled her eyes and went back to her notes.

"Nahhh seems like you need your daily doses of annoyance so I'm here!" Seungmin smirked seeing how annoyed Y/n looked. Seungmin looked at Y/n's face as he sat down on a chair next to Y/n's desk, his focus was suddenly lost as he stared longer noticing all the little details that Y/n held. Y/n noticed the sudden silence and looked at him.

"I know I'm pretty but stop staring at me you creep." Y/n smiled as she went back into her notes.

"Have you ever heard of a mirror? And no you don't look good, I was just wondering how ugly someone could be. I would prefer to go on a date with Shrek than look at your face." Seungmin laughed as Y/n scoffed and rolled her eyes.

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