[ A Devil's Angel ] Minho x Reader

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Yang Y/n was known as the school's angel. She was the sweetest girl in the school, she was soft and kind-hearted towards anyone. Everyone adored her for her pure heart and her beautiful charms. As Y/n was known as the school's angel, there was her opposite. Lee Minho was the owner of the title 'devil'. Everyone in the school feared him, he would bully many others, he often got into fights, a day without Minho's pranks was just something the teachers could only dream of, and detentions were a daily routine for him and every teacher hates him. 


One day Y/n was with her friends at school, it went normal until the lunch bell made its appearance with its signature loud ring. When Y/n was about to leave the class the teacher stopped her. 

"Y/n, can you please do me a favor?" the teacher so kindly asked. 

"Of course teacher! What can I help you with?" Y/n asked while flashing her cute and bright smile. 

"Since you're the top student in science, I was hoping you can tutor my failing student." the teacher asked hoping that Y/n would agree.

 "Sure! Who am I going to tutor?" Y/n asked agreeing to the favor thinking that nothing bad can happen.

 "Great! So this is Eun, Eun you better listen to her if you don't want to fail my class." the teacher sternly says as she introduces a male student that looked like he had gotten in a few fights. Eun eyed Y/n up and down as she smiled warmly at Eun. 

When the teacher left them alone, they both sat at a table and Y/n pulled out her science notes to explain to Eun. Y/n's intentions were to help this student to at least get a passing grade for science while Eun had other intentions. As Y/n explained everything, she was blind to notice the dark stares that she was getting from Eun. 

"And that's it! Any questions?" Y/n finished up after explaining. When she finally saw Eun's stares, a gut was telling her to run away but she shook it off as nothing.

"Yes I do actually, are you single?" he asked as he run a hand on Y/n's thigh. An uncomfortable shiver ran up Y/n's spine.

"Eun please take your hand off.." Y'/N said sternly trying to hold onto the tears that we're threatening to fall down her cheeks. A feeling of disgust was building up inside of her.

"Why should I? I know you enjoy it" he whispered deeply as got closer to Y/n "You know, you've been such a good girl and good girls deserves a reward~"

Y/n then had enough, she smacked Eun across the face and then got up and ran out of the classroom. Everyone else were at the cafeteria so Y/n didn't had to worry about anyone seeing her glossy eyes. She didn't know where she was going but she did know where her legs were taking her. The rooftop. She sprinted up the stairs and burst through the doors letting her tears fall down. With her body against the wall, she felt her legs weaken making her sink to the ground and sob to herself. Or so she thought...

"Yah! Why the hell are you... Are you crying?" a male voice spoke up loudly and madly but that tone quickly changed to a softer one. Y/n looked up to see the devil of the school, Lee Minho. Y/n suddenly got up from the ground and wiped her tears away.

"I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me!" Y/n said in a panic, seeing him not moving from his spot she decided that she should leave him alone "I'm sorry, I'll leave you alone now!" Y/n turned to leave but Minho grabbed her hand and pulled her close.

"Don't. Let it all out." Minho told in a comforting voice. Y/n never knew that those words were what she needed to cry all over his chest.

Y/n hugged Minho's waist and buried her face into his chest while tears flowed continuously down her cheeks and onto his shirt. Minho hugged Y/n tightly seeing how bad her condition was, he hated how bad Y/n was feeling to be crying in the arms of the devil. He swore that he would kill the person that made the school's angel. After a few minutes, Y/n felt better but not completely.

"You okay?" Minho asked looking straight into Y/n's eyes. She nodded at him being confused on why he was being so caring to her. "So wanna explain what the actual fuck happened for you to be crying that much into the arms of the devil?" Minho asked as he and Y/n sat down. Y/n looked down and started to explain everything that had happened.

"That son of a bitch... I'm gonna kill him." Minho cursed as he felt his blood boil.

"Don't! You'll get into more trouble than you already are! Also please stop swearing." Y/n said. "Also why are you being so nice to me?" Y/n asked wanting to know the reason why he was suddenly being so nice to her.

"Well, I'm going to be honest. I uhh" Minho looked to the side as he build up the courage to admit it "Okay the truth is that I like you! I liked you ever since I saw you but I knew that you would never like me back because I'm literally the devil of the school while you're the sunshine angel that everyone loves! You're the first ever person to make me feel this way and it's SO frustrating!" Minho admitted saying everything in one breath and taking a deep breath at the end to restore his breathing."Please, I swear I will be good enough for you, I will care, cherish, spoil, and protect you." Minho said while holding Y/n's hands so lovingly.

"Minho... Truth is I like you too!" Y/n happily said and jumped into his arms. Minho smiled happily and kissed Y/n's cheek.

The next day at school let's just say that everyone was surprise and supportive over Minho and Y/n's relationship and that Eun did not survive Minho's anger...

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