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It's so hot. Remind me to write a good letter of suggestion to my college suggestion box letting them know that you could not let us all die from heat stroke and install some air conditioning units in at least some of the rooms. This is preposterous, I can't breathe here. We had to come sit in Shaw's car and turn on the air conditioner in his car just so we could survive some of the heat wave. After the day we went ice skating, it was really nice talking to Shaw all day on text and video calls. We've gotten so close to the point that I can't do a single thing without mentioning it to him. We talk, laugh, and sometimes even flirt a little bit, but I am too scared to tell him how I feel because I know he will say No, I know he will. Why would he even like me? His history of dating resides with girls who look a lot better than me. Even if it wasn't about the looks, my history with Ash has in some way or other tainted our relationship.

"Gosh, I feel like I'll have a heat stroke," I said trying to fan my hands on my face. Even the air conditioner in his car stopped working. "Calm down, you'll feel more heat if you're restless." He said sitting calmly at the backseat of his car right beside me. The guy is a saint or what? Even in this level of heat, he isn't irritated? "You know, I never thought we could become such good friends," I said s I looked at a very calm Shaw rubbing his handkerchief on his forehead as he wiped away the beads of sweat. He kept sighing because of the heat and his eyes drifted towards me. "Stop it." "What?" "you're about to start crying." He said as I realized my eyes were filled with tears. "You little monkey." He said as he touched my cheek with the back of his hands. I felt warm and electric at the same time. I like him. I like him a lot. A tear slipped away from my eyes and fell on my sweaty jeans. "Ember," I looked up at him and he was already closer to me. His arms wrapped around my back and he hugged me tight.

"Now I will hug you in this scorching heat till you stop crying, you might die of heat stroke before that, your call." I giggled on his shoulder and placed my cheek on it. "I'd rather die," I said in his ear. He sighed again. "I won't let that happen."

My eyes jolted up. I could feel the sweat trickling down my sides and my neck. "When did it get so hot?" I threw myself up and found that the bed was empty beside me. Strange. Did I dream last night? The shots, the embarrassment, the unintentional kissing?

I went downstairs to find Sophia but she was nowhere to be seen, but I could smell something good from the kitchen. My eyes drifted to the kitchen and sure enough, some pancakes stacked neatly were placed on the kitchen counter. Sophia came out of the downstairs bathroom looking clean and very much sober. So I didn't dream last night? I kissed Shaw?

My Head!

"Hey, eat something then take some medicine," Sophia said in a low voice. "Em, I, I wanted to apologize for last night." She said, looking down still standing in front of the bathroom door. "It's okay." "No, I know I was a handful and I don't even know how you got me to get upstairs but seriously thank you so much and I am so terribly sorry."

I sighed at her. I can't be mad at her. I know she means the apology and besides until she almost passed out last night, we had quite a lot of fun, "Hey, it is okay. And I didn't take you upstairs. Damon did and I think he's kinda into you." "Who's Damon?"


"So you're telling me, that one of the founders of the company, in which I am working a measly little Editor, has a thing for me?" Sophia said. I was telling her about all the events of last night including the part where I kissed Shaw to which she thoroughly cursed me. Something in me wondered how she would react if I told her the other 'stuff' Shaw had done with me.

Sophia stayed with me till late afternoon but soon had to leave because her roommate had to leave for the night and there was no one to feed their fish 'bibo' Which is a cow fish. I've seen those fishes, they look like a block of cheese.

What kind of a name is that for a fish?

I remembered that I hadn't seen my phone since the morning and remembered it was still upstairs in my bag. Once Sophie was out the door to take care of 'bibo' I still didn't understand what is that name, I woke up to check if I had any messages or calls from my mom. And yup. I had 2 missed calls from Mom and 20 missed calls from Shaw?





Not just missed calls there were several text messages from him as well.

Pick up your call Miss Hill.

Do not ignore me, Miss Hill.

Ember, don't make me come to your house. You won't be able to leave your bedroom the entire night.

Okay...So my kitten wants to play?

The doorbell rang downstairs and I instantly froze.

Satan is right at my door?

He's here. 


Okay, Ember. No need to panic. So what that the guy you've been hopelessly in love with for the past 5 years, who broke your heart and left you like a wet puppy on the street, who came back into your life as your boss and has asserted his dominance on you several times, is right downstairs, waiting for you to open the door so that he could ask you, just why, "Why the fuck did you kiss me out of nowhere?"

It's okay, it is Okay, you have the answer, just open the door and throw it in his face.

Except you don't have the answer. You don't know why you kissed your ex-boyfriend aka boss aka the guy who's apparently dead set to have his ways with you.

I need water. Fuck it I need milk. Milk is downstairs, and you don't go downstairs because there's Mephistopheles downstairs.

The doorbell rang again and I dragged my feet in hopes of finding 'Hatter' who would just throw me into some other world so I wouldn't have to face him today.

My dreadful hands reached the door knob while the doorbell rings the third time already. "Bitch, were you dead?" Gabriella almost screamed as soon as I opened the door. "It's you." "Huh?" "Aww, it's you" I hugged her "Huh?" I kept hugging her while she said some stuff I drowned out for my own sanity. My phone buzzed again in my hand.

My driver will pick you up at 8. Make sure you keep a check on that hostility my angry penguin, don't make me throw your little-do group out of my company. And wear that white T-shirt. My car smells like puke.

I gulped.

Did he just call me a penguin?

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