The Hunger

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"I am in love with you." "What?" I asked again because, by this time, I was shocked as to what I was hearing is a total ruckus.

There stood in front of me was one of my closest friends, Ash, telling me that he was in love with me. He and I have become really good friends for the past few months. We even talk after college. He is a really funny and nice guy. He used to drink a lot, but he was never disrespectful to me, and that made me closer to him.

Right now, he is the only guy I properly talk to.

I feel so awkward and shy for some reason. This is the first time someone has been this forward with me. He is a handsome guy, but not as handsome as Shawnel, who has been otherwise engaged lately. I don't think anything will ever happen with him. I looked at Ash and gave him a sad smile. "I am sorry, I never

"Haa, sorry, huh?" He said that and looked down slowly. "It's okay; I'll talk to you later." I tried stopping him, but he was too far gone by the time I could wrap my head around any of this.

What should I do? Well, he has been pretty sweet to me. The only thing that I worry about is his drinking habits, but he told me he has been in control now. Was that for me?

My eyes soon wandered in front of me, where I could see our classmates standing with Shawnel and Jules. Jules's hips are basically attached to Shaw's front. I don't feel good. Is it because I feel lonely?

Well, life has been treating me badly lately. Maybe that's the reason that now I stand here outside the devil's door, waiting for the next 2.5 years of my life to become a hell hole. His room of torchers is just in front of me, and I am entering it willingly.

If someone were to ask me two years ago, What do you think you will be doing in the future, I would have told them, I hope I will be over my ex, and now that I am working for my ex, my entire plan has gone down the drain.

I knocked on the glass door once again as there was no reply to the last knock but this time I could hear a stern 'come in'

Already pissed?

Wow, what an awesome day I am going to have.

"Miss Hill." "Mr. King"

He gestured for me to sit down in front of him, somewhat sarcastically; there is no way on earth that he wants me to sit down in front of him. "I saw your marks. Finally, you have started to take life seriously, I think." He said it with a sarcastic fake smile plastered across his gorgeous face. I hate that.

I sat down with my confidence sitting on my lap. There is no way I will let this bastard win. Nope.

"Well, someone had to. Not everyone can run behind their exes now, can we?" I said, smirking, which gained a scowl from him. My comment surely ticked him off because the next second he stood up from his desk and sat right in front of me giving me a perfect view of his fit physique and the fact that he was not wearing a coat right now.

I can see the white shirt perfectly tugged into his brown pants. And the belt buckle looked more expensive than my entire wardrobe. Oh, how I want to rip it off and smack him with it.

I maintained my posture with a straight back, chest out, crossed legs, and a slight smile evident on my face. "You look good today." He said this while his hand went towards me, and he stopped it in mid-air. "Trying to impress someone now, are we?"

"Not you," I said and smiled at him. "Shall we start or are you going to flirt with me the entire day?" I asked him and got up from my seat. "As much as I would like that Miss Hill, don't flatter yourself. Just keep in mind that this a professional environment." He said and pointed towards me. More like a specific place. I looked down and understood what he meant.

No way. He was standing just above me, that guy looked down my top?

My mouth went ajar. Professional environment? It's just a little cleavage, I have big boobs you fucking asshole. I gave him the dirtiest look I could muster up and he smiled at me victoriously.

"Let's go." He said and pushed himself off the desk, took his coat from the back of his chair, and went towards the door. I followed him like a lost puppy not knowing where the hell are we going.

"Can I know where are we going?" I asked in a nonchalant voice. "To my house, we are going to make out." "Excuse me?" My nostrils flared with anger and disgust.

"What do you think Miss Hill? We are going to meet a writer." He said and scrolled through his phone not even giving me a second look. I can't tolerate him every day. I stopped in the middle of the room while he was already at the door.

"How did I end up with you?" "Because I placed you." "Excuse me?" He turned around and looked at me.

"I am the head of the company, and when I tell anyone that I will make their life a living hell, I stick by it." He said this as his face came uncomfortably close to mine. "So you will play with my career like this? Just because I told you to stay the fuck away." His eyes skimmed towards me. I could see he was losing it.

"Language." He said and looked at me with anger evident in his voice and eyes. "You are playing with my career, and you want me to be polite with you. You dick."

By the time I could realize what I had done, it was already too late. The back of my neck was already in his hand, and his lips had already captured mine. I tried pushing him off me, but it was useless. Soon, his lips started moving on mine, and my breathing became ragged. No, I can't be pulled like this. I need to get him off.

My voice, unable to come out, soon became light moans and his arms grabbed my waist tightly.

All the memories of us kissing came rushing back to me, and soon my hands stopped pushing him away. His lips moved familiarly. His breath was fresh as always.

He was still dominant, and it was getting hard for me to think properly and reasonably. I finally found my strength and pushed him off of me.

"You- SLAP

Tears were streaming out of my eyes, and I looked at him with pure hatred. I wanted to twist his head off, but I just stopped after that one slap because he looked at me with something I couldn't understand. Hunger? He placed his palm on his hot cheek and smiled at me. His smile made me even angrier. This psychopath.

"I quit," I said and started walking out of the room, but he grabbed my arm and slammed my body in his. "I am not letting you," he whispered. "I am quitting. I can't see your face anymore. How dare you? Let me go before I slap you again." I screamed but I don't know why anyone else isn't hearing me. His room is soundproof or something?

"Do you have the money? Or do you want me to file a fraud case against you?" He said while looking me in the eyes. There it is again: the hunger.

My heart skipped a beat. Ok, now I am scared for real. I have to get out of this company as soon as possible.

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