Baby calling...

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I walked into my room and dropped my bag on the nearby chair. I plopped myself on the bed and snuggled into my pillow. I have never had such an exhausting lunch in my entire life, granted I used to have lunch in my room while watching friends, but now, I am having lunch with my boss, while he discusses or should I say convinces some old dude to give him his manuscript. This was not even a part of the exhaustion I felt today. It was after the whole discussion and when the guy agreed on giving us his manuscript, he asked me for my number.

Yes, the old dude, literally asked me for my number, and while I looked at him with wide eyes and thought about some way to get out of this awkward situation. I was partly scared that he will take back his manuscript if I deny him. I looked over at a very serious-looking Shawnel.

His jaw was clenched and very defined might I add. While I was gawking at his jaw and neck, he was looking at Mr. Chang with something I couldn't really understand. He looked in my direction and I blinked my eyes a few times and started looking down. I don't know what to say.

"I think, I would want you as my main editor Miss Hill." He said and extended his frail wrinkly arm towards me. I just looked at his hand trying to think of any way possible to get out of the situation.

Shawnel grabbed his hand and shook it still looking at me. "Mr. Chang, Miss Hill is still a trainee, I will provide you with the best editors of our company, as for her number, that is a confidential matter. We don't allow our workers to engage with the clients on a personal level." He told the guy as a small smile appeared on my face and I am still looking at my heels. He just saved my ass thank God.

Mr. Chang was giving him a pained expression as he bent down in a way of saying goodbye and left the restaurant in a hurry. I signed visibly and pressed my palms on my chest. For a moment there I think I stopped breathing.

I felt a hot hand on my back and soon electricity started running through my body. I couldn't even realize what was happening and soon it was hard for me to stand. "So, you are only getting female clients in the future," He said while he patted his large hand on my back and then placed his hand back on the table. I sat there in shock.

The place just below my hairline in the back of my head is still hot from where he touched me.

My entire body is tingly.

"Thanks," I said lowly still looking at the fork in front of me like it was a really interesting piece of instrument. "It's o-" "Don't touch me," I said without looking at him. "What?" He said getting his voice at a different level of anger. "We are not friends, thanks for the help just right now, but as I told you earlier maintain your distance from me. Refrain from touching me from now on," I said and got up from my chair and rammed outside the luxurious restaurant.

It took a good piece of my savings to get a cab from that restaurant to my house. Neither I had the energy to get in a car with him nor did I think he will let me.

My phone started going crazy as I saw who was calling me. Baby calling...

Huh? Baby? My eyes went wide on the realization that just hit me. I jolted up from my bed and took the phone in my head. There it was just right there. Baby... I never changed his name. I slide the pickup button and put the phone on my ear.

"He-hello." I cleared my throat. I am still shocked as to why he is calling me. "What you do think I am?" His voice came like a wrecking ball. I could tell that he was angry, really angry.

"Excuse me?" "Do you think I am some kind of pervert or what?" "I never said that," I said trying to make my voice clear but I was shaking. My heartbeat was going crazy. "I want you in my office first thing tomorrow Miss Hill."
And the line went dead.

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