Puppy eyes

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"I swear, I'm never letting Sophia drink again," I muttered to myself as I found myself grabbing her by the waist, trying to restrain her from pouncing on some unsuspecting passerby. The poor guy was just minding his own business, yet Sophia seemed intent on making him her next victim. Meanwhile, Jason is behind us, practically puking his intestines, bent over a nearby bin.

Me, I was a little tipsy a while ago but between rubbing Jason's back and holding Sophia down from practically murdering a complete stranger on the street, I kind of had no choice but to GET sober.

I will kill this bitch on Monday. 'We're getting shots' the hell you're not.

I can't even begin to fathom how infuriated I am right now. Like I didn't have enough on my plate already, from getting this self-centered and ignorant client just this morning which I know for a fact was given by that assmunch Shaw, because I wouldn't get back with him, to breaking my heel while I was leaving the restaurant just now, I am tilting while I was holding Sophia, and now she was tilting with me, while we're waiting for Jason to just empty his breadbasket in the bin already.

"Guys, I guess I am gonna be sick." "You guess?" Sophia coed while she was basically swaying in my arms right now. Thank god she's light. From the far back I heard a loud horn, I ignored it at first but the guy was persistent. I knew for a fact he couldn't be honking at us because we were standing at the footpath, but the loud sound wouldn't stop. Me being controlled by my pure irritation. I flipped back, Sophia flipped with me.

A black car was parked at the side of the road just one block behind us.

By this time it was beginning to look like I was a mentally unstable mother wearing a broken heel, and my kid's basically dead at this point and I just came out to dump his body in the bin outside my house while holding his favorite doll in my hands.

I hope the person in the car was just concerned about us looking like helpless little drunk office employees and not the cast of La Llorona.

As soon as we looked at the car, the honking stopped and the doors unlocked. And me being the most hated person by the whole universe, being the most unluckiest, someone with whom god had a personal grudge with, my luck stricked again and the person in the car turned out to be none other than Shawnel King, and not just Shawnel king, along with him, was Damon. Yup!

The two founders of the company we three ignominies work in. The night just keeps getting better. I regret the three dollars I picked up today from the street, thinking it was luck. Someone just voodooed that money and churned it into my life along with a bunch of misfortune, disaster, and just pure tragedy. I feel like, I am basically cursed at this point.

"Oh look, our three hard worketeers." Shaw said while smirking at the look of all three of us. He stood a few inches away from Sophia and I, his hands were loosely placed in his pockets, he was wearing his coat while Damon was standing beside him, in his white shirt and arms crossed. Can't believe these guys look so neat while Jason, Sophia, and I look like we just survived through a Zombie apocalypse.

"Do you guys need some help?" Damon asked, looking concerned. "Well yea-" "What? Miss Hill and help? From the little old ME? Nooo..." I gave Shaw the dirtiest scowl I could make. I swear if looks could kill, his body would be in the dumpster right now with Jason's puke.

"Please..." I looked at Damon like I was ready to cry and roll on the street.

He immediately came forward and grabbed Sophia who was almost half asleep by now. He took her near the car when Shaw called to him. "That's my car Miss Hill, now won't you show those beautiful puppy eyes to me?" If. Looks. Could. KILL.

"Shaw I swear-" "Give her back the girl Damon, let's head home." "No no, please okay? Please?" I said with desperation in my voice. "Now without a kiss?" "You-"

"Okay you guys, stop." Damon interpreted after he just placed Sophia in the car.

I was looking at Shaw with piercing eyes while he just showed amusement. Damon being the only responsible one at the moment also grabbed Jason who was hanging onto the dumpster and placed him in the car too, to be honest he wasn't as gentle with him as he was with Sophia.

Damon went ahead and made sure that Sophia was okay while he was busy with both of them, Shaw and I were having our own stare down. "If my car smells like puke after this," Shaw came forward and held his gaze on me. His hands are still in his pockets. I didn't move, I just stared back at him with full intensity. "I'll get it washed." I said with a huff. 

He chuckled. "Or you can come over and wash it at my place," he said, his voice low, inching closer. "I'll have you wear nothing but a thin white t-shirt while you do it."

He whispered in my ear, making my stomach turn into knots.

"Do you know where they live?" Damon asked, breaking our stance. "Yeah, Jason lives with one of his friends just a few blocks from here and Sophia is crashing at my place. I said as I ripped myself out of Shaw's gaze. He was still smirking while looking down at me. I limped towards the car with my 'one' heel. Shaw opened the door for me but quickly looked inside before I could get in and stopped me by placing his hand in front of me. "The other side." He said and practically dragged me to the other side of the car. I went in and sat beside a dozing Sophia.

We arrived at Jason's place, where he lazily rattled off three incorrect addresses before finally providing the right one. Damon practically shoved him towards his friend before swiftly returning to the car. 

He wasn't gentle with Jason.

Finally we reached my place, thank goodness my mom wasn't home, if she saw who I was with, our front porch would've turned into a scene from Texas Chainsaw Massacre. 

Damon being the literal angel he's been so far, picked Sophia up and went in the moment I unlocked the front door, I told him where my bedroom was and he went straight up ahead, I limped behind them and Shaw stood by the doorframe taking in my house. "It still smells the same." I turned around as he looked through the photo frames hanging on the wall just along the front door. He touched one of the frames and smiled. I was looking at him, observing him. Stunned as to if I am looking at the same guy who intimidated me hours ago. The same guy was now standing at my front door looking at one of my baby pictures and smiling in awe.

My forced to sober up drunk 'mind' can't comprehend what's even happening right now, all I can understand is I am moving closer to him. I can't control my limping movements anymore and I am almost in front of him now. 

Why can't I stop? Why do I keep getting closer? What is happening? 

I am positive that Shaw is even more bewildered by my movements because his eyes just keep getting bigger. I stood right in front of him. He is much taller than me so I am looking up at him. "Miss Hi-"

And I kissed him. It was just a small peck on the lips but it was enough. It was enough for me to taste the old Shawnel King who once cared and loved me to the moon and back. 

Shaw was even more deranged now. His eyes were boring into mine and I knew he was going to come at me with full force now. I was ready though. I was so ready. He was about to grab me with all his might-

"She is all set. Let's get going Nel." Damon came to the view of both of us standing at the door inches away from each other, gazing into each other's eyes, breathing into each other's air. "Oh, did I interrupt something?" "Yes." "No" Shaw and I said respectively.

"Em-" "I should go upstairs too." I cut Shaw off and practically ran upstairs while 'Thanking' Damon on the way. Reminder, give Damon a basket of fruits.

I literally left them downstairs and marched up to my room and locked the door. What just happened. Og god. 




Why Ember? 

Why did you kiss him?

I huffed and dropped beside Sophia who stirred and grabbed me in her sleep, cuddling to my sides. Reminder, kill Sophia tomorrow morning.

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