Enough is enough

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Warning: This chapter includes descriptions of self-harm which may be upsetting to some readers. Take care while reading.

"Good Morning Ember. I love you." I woke up and looked at the text message I just got from Ash. Is he retarded? I told him I didn't want to do anything with him. I told him I didn't trust him. Why can't he just get the hint and leave me alone?

The whole Ember slept with me rumor dialed down faster than he rode. His entire plan failed and now he was crawling back to me? I blocked him from everywhere and he's still spamming me?

I sighed and got up to do my daily chores and when I was almost about to get in the shower my phone started ringing. I was an unknown number and my gut told me who it might be.

I sighed again. "What?" I said in a harsh tone. "I am sorry." That was all I could hear. "If you're done could you just leave me the fuck alone?"

"Ember if you don't talk to me I will do something to myself." He said and immediately my blood boiled. "Something what?" I said through gritted teeth. By now I was so done with his bullshit that even this stupid tact just ticked me off. "I-I'll slit my wrist." My eyebrows crooked. I wish he could see my boring expression. "Okay." "Okay? You want me to cut my wrist?" "You want to do that, do it," I said nonchalantly.

This sick bastard. I told him my deepest, darkest secrets and he's using them against me? "How stone-hearted have you become?" He said trying to get some emotions out of me but to be honest I wasn't feeling anything for him.

I ended the call then and there.

But this was not over. This was far from over. For days that bastard kept calling me, messaging me. It was like he's bipolar. He was messaging me Good Morning and Love You in the morning and by the night he would turn into a suicidal neurotic critter. It was getting to me I will not lie. His constant emotional abuse. His comments on me being a slut and how I wanted to sleep with other guys and still said no to him. His warnings of killing himself.

All of this was getting to me. So much so that I lost 5kgs in that week alone. I picked up the call again. "If you cut the call again, I have a blade, in my hand, and I will use it." He said slowly like he was spelling every word for me. Enough is enough now.

I put my phone away from my face and video-called him. He picked up not even seconds later. "Finally." He said with a huge smile on his face. I could see the blade in his hand. He pointed the blade towards the camera. "Now I won't have to use it." He said.

I smiled at him. I was being the neurotic critter now. I've had enough of this guy. He played with my heart, with my feelings. He kicked my confidence and my mental peace. I can't let him get away with all that.

"Hmm. You wanted to cut yourself right. Do it. I'll watch." All the color drained from his face. I was still smiling at him. "Go on," I said shining a bright smile at him. Silence fell. He was looking with a white cast on his face and I was looking at him with pure amusement. "What happened? You don't know how to do that?" I asked. "How funny is it? You knew that I was an expert in self-harm and that was why you were parading with this threat in front of my face the entire month, right?" I almost screamed.

Can't believe I trusted this guy.

I pulled the sleeves of my top up. Faint scars were still visible. I looked at them remembering how hard I fought to never do this to myself, to my body again. I touched them. I am sorry.

"Let me show you buddy how to do this properly," I said while I grabbed a protractor from my college bag. "No, no Ember. What are you doing? No, I am sorry. Please. I am sorry." He screamed through his lungs. The blade dropped from his hand. "Now, a blade will give you a clean look but this." I picked the protractor and showed it to the camera. I was smiling like a maniac the entire time. "This will ruin your hand and your soul forever."

"No, Ember. Please. Please."

My eyes never left his. By now I knew that he was not happy but as always it was so hard to read him. He was just sitting on one of the chairs in the cafeteria and looking at us. Damon's eyes followed me and soon both of us were looking at Shaw but he was only looking at me. I squirmed a little in my seat. "Should I call him?" I heard a faint noise behind me.

Call him. You want me to throw myself out this window?

"I-I" "Hey Nel, come sit here." My eyes widened and I looked at Damon. Do you hate me? Shaw broke his stance and got up from his seat. His long strides and angry demeanor made me want to go hide in the bathroom and talk to the nice lady who fed me on my first day here.

"You guys are having fun." "We were just eating lunch." "A date?" "What? No man, just getting to know each other." "Ember is not that interesting."

"I am sorry?" I looked at him with a you-btter-not-start look. I could see a little smirk on his lips like he was amused at how easily he could tick me off.

"Touched a nerve." "You wish." "Oh, you don't wanna know what I wish for, Miss Hill."

"Ahem," that was Damon who was now stuffing his face with the food and almost halfway picked up his tray. "You guys continue, I have some things I need to straighten up." And he was gone. Like wind. I was right there on the floor with my arm stretched out and calling him. NO! Come back! please! Tell me more about the new filing system.

"Hmm, you're going out of your way to piss me off these days." He slipped on the spot where Damon was sitting right in front of me. Now when I was well aware I could sense that this table was pretty small and Shaw was sitting quite close to me. He was sitting up straight. One of his hands was placed on the table and the other elbow was on the back of the chair. His legs stretched and his foot touched mine. I felt electricity just flying through my entire body. What is this effect he has on me?

"I'll leave," I said and tried to get up but felt a hand on my arm. "Why? You were perfectly fine sitting with him." "He's not my ex-boyfriend who dumped me three years ago." His jaw clenched. "Our. Breakup. Was. Mutual." "I. Don't. Give. A. Rats. Ass"

His hand dropped and quickly he rubbed it over his lower face. No lie he looked like a sculpted statue. "I am enjoying this so much." He said with a chuckle while he was looking down. Enjoying?

He shook his head still looking down. And then suddenly his head flipped and looked up at me. There was a smile on his face. The smile of the devil. He was not being nice at all. He was rock solid, one hundred percent, being cocky. "I'll make sure," he whispered. "That you come back to me." His eyes trailed through my entire body. I felt weird. I felt naked. "That you get it through your thick skull." His whisper became louder. He came closer leaning more into the table. "That there's no escaping from me now." He grabbed a loose strand of my hair. I am frozen in my place. I can't move. I can't do anything except anticipate whatever the next words would come out of his mouth.

"That you can't laugh, or eat lunch alone, or even be nice to any other dude who's not me or not my blood." His blood? Heat fished through my cheeks as I understood the deeper meaning behind his words. And the fact we never did 'it' made it even more mysterious and erotic for me, it was beyond for me to comprehend.

"I am only playing nice right now because we're in the middle of the cafeteria, Ember. God forbid if we were alone right now you'd be begging for me to stop" There was a short pause as he leaned in even more pulling that little strand of hair and with it he was pulling me too "And believe me I wouldn't have stopped." A sign escaped my lips. 

He dropped the strand of hair he was gently playing with till right now. He got up from his seat and left in thin air leaving me alone heavily in anger, embarrassment, and a lot of other ungodly emotions that would make a twelve-year-old blush and hide her face in the pillow.

I think I just got wet.

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