Employee kills Boss over Biryani

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I stood there in the empty room with my bag still on my wrist and my phone vibrating in my hand. My whole body felt numb with anger and frustration. What did he mean by that? 'His face bothers me?'

Even today, my day doesn't start without looking at our pictures. Remembering the time, we spent together. Every single kiss, every single hug, every fight, I remember all of it. I miss all of it, even the bad times because I was fighting with someone, I knew was mine. I can't believe even after 3 years he still thinks like that about me. I leaned on the desk and looked at my phone, I got like 2 missed calls from Mia and one from Isaac, a very old friend of mine, he was a common friend of both mine and Shawnel's.

I called him back as soon as I got off the call with Mia. "Yes, idiot?" I said in a joking way. "Wow, can't you ever talk to me nicely?" "No." "What are you doing?" He asked me with a definite smile that I could tell he was giving me through the phone. "I am working. I told you." "Yeah, you did. I totally forgot." "Yeah-" my phone vibrated on my ear giving me goosebumps all over. "Hey, I got to go, let's get lunch tomorrow," I told him. It's been long enough since I had any contact with anyone except Gabriella. We agreed to meet for lunch and I went ahead to attend the 2nd half of my office.

I looked through my room's balcony as Shaw's car just parked on my drive-through. He got out of his car, he was wearing a pure white shirt and dark jeans, looking more handsome than ever. I squealed in excitement and went ahead to open the door. I was waiting for him at the front door and soon I saw him walking towards me, running his hand on his dark brown hair. I immediately smiled at him and hugged him tightly. Hugging him was the best feeling in the world. He hugged me for long, breathing in long while I kept my face placed on his hard chest. He smelled so good. He never really cared for the fact that he just came walking up 2 flights of stairs, because I live on the second floor, and was a little bit out of breath but he still hugged me and would never let go first. I had to let go because my mom and the maid were probably waiting for us to get inside.

I didn't care much as I was still hugging him tight and could hear his rapid breathing. I leaned back a little in hopes to give him some room to breathe but he just went ahead and gave me a long sweet kiss on the lips. Even in the kiss, I could feel he was out of breath but not once did I hear a complaint from him. I was sucking on his bottom lip and he was holding my waist so tight it felt like he was scared I will fall if he didn't. I melted into his arms every time. God, I love him so much. I'll never let him go.

I waited in the restaurant with my caramel iced coffee, going through my phone, trying not to bore myself. Isaac is a total girl at times, he would take like an hour just on his hair and they would still look extremely greasy. Soon I saw him walking inside the restaurant with that huge child-like smile he always wears. "So, you big shot writer, how are you?" He said while shaking my hand and sitting down in front of me. I gave him a look, stating I am not in the mood for fake buttering and he sat down quietly. "Where the hell have you been? I haven't heard from you in months and you like, never call." He said without stopping, it took me a full minute to understand every question as I prepared for an answer in the same order of the questions.

"I was just preparing for all the tests and interviews; it took me a while to land on this job." "Yeah, you are an editor, right? Which company?" He asked me, and I inhaled a deep breath, he is still good friends with Shawnel, and I am sure he knows he is the head of the firm.

"ThomasBar Inc," I said lightly as I started looking at my lap. "Say what now?" He asked again as a huge smile appeared on his face. "You heard it," I said gritting my teeth together. "Oh my god," He said as he erupted into a fit of laughter. By the time he was laughing so hard that everyone in the restaurant was looking at him. "This is the best news, I have heard all week." He said rubbing the back of his hand on his eyes trying to wipe away his laughing tears. "You got a job at Shawnel's firm? How? And did you guys meet? And how long has it been? 3 years?" Again, he started with his train of questions. This is going to be a long lunch.

We were outside the restaurant saying our bye when my eyes drifted to someone. I scrunched my eyes to see none other than Shawnel, coming out of his car and walking in my direction. By the time he could see Isaac, he was already getting in a cab. It was just me now standing outside the restaurant while Shaw was walking towards me, his steps gradually became faster as he saw me standing there with my phone and wallet still in my hands. "Oh, look who it is." He said with a smirk on his face while his hands were in his jean pocket. Woah it has been years since I saw him in a T-shirt and casual jeans. He looks so good. Damn it. I hate it.

I don't want him to know that I was meeting Isaac. He will think that I got the job in his firm knowing that he works there and that will put ideas in his mind. I won't let that happen. I won't.

"Yes, why? You own the restaurant too?" I said cockily while I crossed my small arms on my chest, forgetting that I still have my wallet and phone in my hands, and now I am just standing in front of him with my phone and wallet just casually placed on my boobs. He chuckled lightly which, to be honest, he never used to do before. He either laughed, which I loved, he had a beautiful laugh, or he would just release a small puff of air followed by some sarcastic comment. "No, they make amazing Biryani," Of course they do. If any place would serve rice and meat, this guy will be there.

"But what are you doing here, and why are you so dressed up?" "I am dressed up?" "You are wearing jeans." "I can't wear jeans?" "Like I'll tell you not to wear jeans, and you will not?" "Don't even try." "I didn't" "Well, good." "Yeah, good." "Hmm" "Hmm"

"I must tell you, not that it's any of your business. I was meeting a friend." I said while my hands finally gave out and I removed them from my chest. "Yeah, whatever." He said and got inside the restaurant in a hurry. What the fuck? Did he just give me attitude? Aghh. This is why I didn't want to tell him anything in the first place. I should have left at that hmm hmm conversation.

I stomped my foot and started looking for a cab. If I follow him, I will kill him. What would be news then, 'Employee kills Boss over Biryani?'

Villain For YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora