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I roamed around in my bedroom while looking at my phone, locking and unlocking it again and again. The anxiety is killing me. Should I do it? Should I? But what would I say to him? Hey thanks for sitting with me in class today? That is so lame Ember. But I wanted to thank him. Nobody sits with me anymore and he did. You're such a loser Ember. I opened his chat box 'Hike' and looked at his display picture. Boy, the guy must've been really famous in school but I know for a fact he didn't talk to a lot of people even then. Ugh, what should I do? My phone vibrated in my hands and I jumped with the sensation, it was a spam call so I canceled it. My eyes went wide as soon as I saw what I had done. I think due to the call I accidentally tapped on the screen twice. I had sent a 'Nudge' to Shawnel King. Oh kill me. Kill me now. No No. How do you unsend it. I tried clicking on the 'Nudge' in hopes of opening an option bar from where I could unsend or delete it but it just send another 'Nudge'

"Oh My god." I threw my phone on my bed and buried my head in the pillow. "He'll totally think I am a freak." I said muffled in the pillow. My phone vibrated for a good 3 seconds and I flipped my head up. Is it Shawnel calling me a psychopath and blocking me? I dreaded picing up my phone. Sure enough it was notification from Hike.

Shawnel King: Nudge



I backed my face to look at the screen again. I chuckled at his cute reply.

Ember Hill: Nudge




Shawnel King: Nudge X 4

Ember Hill: Seriously? >.<

Shawnel King: You started it.

Ember Hill: I sent it by mistake.

Shawnel King: Stop lying.

Ember Hill: I am not, I swear. I sent it by mistake.

Shawnel King: Okay I believe you (not...)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

I laughed and looked at this message. Who knew this guy was this nice to talk to. I texted him almost the entire night, we talked till 2 in the morning when I literally couldn;t keep my eyes open anymore. He did not even for once behave like he was busy or not interested in talking. He was so attentive and funny and nice. I loved talking to him, he made me feel so safe and warm.

Being scared of Shaw is a new yet scary feeling. I never thought that that sweet nice guy could turn into someone so cold and downright frightening. How did he become like this? The guy I knew was so thoughtful and funny. Now all he does is be sarcastic or mean. I huffed as I sat in my cubicle. For a girl who was just told to watch her back in the most scary yet erotic way. I am acting way too calm. Why? Does that sick bastard don't bother me anymore? I was so deep in my thoughts that I totally forgot that I had a visitor. "Earth to Em?" I instantly recognised that voice and looked up with a smile. "Hey soph." I immediately hugged like rather taking her by surprise and the way she instantly knew that something was up made my heart melt.

"What did that psycho do now?" "Well, you're not wrong about him being a psycho." I told her the entire thing skipping the touching and kissing, let's not tell her that I enjoyed being manhandled by my now psycho ex boyfriend.

"And how are you so calm?" I literally have no idea. I think I still fell like all of this just an act. I know pathetic. But I can't ever believe that the guy I was madly in love with once has changed so much that he couldn't care less about my feelings anymore. I just can't.

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