Thank You Shaw

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No amount of asthma pills could help me right now, no pump. If you could just pick me up, throw me on an emergency bed, and punch an oxygen mask into my face, then maybe, just maybe, I could get a single breath through my coursing lungs.

I need to quit. I need to get out of this job! NOW! I need to do something before that monster can touch me again. How could he? After everything? After every second, I cried for him. It was so easy for him to just march into my life and untether every little string of my life. My happiness, my trust in love, my trust in men, my JOB?

I can't! I just can't let this man run me over like he did last time. He thinks he can come and go as he pleases, but that is not happening. That will never happen.

I sat on an empty table in the cafeteria while I bunched my open hair into both of my hands and sighed.

And signed again.


"Well, any minute now, I will have a plan to avenge my burning soul," I said as I looked ahead of me into space. Just as I was about to doze off in the emptiness of the small cafe just outside the building, I saw Sophia entering inside. Her eyes gleamed as she looked at me from afar. She scurried her way towards me like I was some lost kitten, and she was my 60 plus something, named Hellen or Dorothy-something, owner.

"Where were you? I have been looking for you all over since the morning." I had totally forgotten that it's already around noon, and I've done nothing but sulk here. I need to do something; I want to get back at that bastard, and I know Sophia is the only one who can help me. I don't know why I feel oddly connected to her, much more than I am with Mia. I don't know why it is like this. Mia is good, but sometimes she is just way too judgmental and would get angry if the person didn't follow the advice she gave, which doesn't really suit my taste. I don't follow someone or anyone blindly anymore; it is better that I take my time and understand what is happening around me rather than make a decision of my own, but with Mia, it gets a bit tedious.

"Sulking," I said a I looked at Sphoa with little eyes. "Aww babe. What happened?" "Shaw happened." "What did that asshole do?" That actually just made me laugh. Sophia is the kind of person who would literally fight with a salty bear to get his fish and then feed it to you. Yup,she is that crazy, and in this scenario, Shaw is the salty bear, and I am the fish, and if I say a single thing about him to Sophia, she will strangle him.

I refrained from telling her the entire 'episode' and just told her how he was still mean to me, said some hurtful stuff, and just by that, Sophia got foaming at the mouth.

Things have been chaotic, to say the least. I have been given the college tag "Slut" because I refused to sleep with Ash, and not just that, the people I used to call my friends are now all ignoring me. I am literally left all alone. alone in this dumpster of a place. I hate it. I am sitting alone today; the one girl who would sit with me, Ashley, is absent today. Ashley was a bit weirder of the lot. She was studious but didn't get the top marks; she was funny but couldn't make friends; she was nice but still no one liked her. I couldn't really understand why. Why didn't I talk to her? Why didn't I talk to her before the whole hell broke loose on me? I sometimes think I am also like all of these chimpanzees here. I was also somewhat of a bully; I was on the back bench, though. I didn't physically or theoretically bully anyone, but I also didn't stand up for any of those poor souls that these guys were rude to. I just watched like I didn't care, and now the same thing has been happening to me. Not to the point that anyone was talking to me rudely or making fun of me; well, not to my face, they aren't, but I know and I have heard what is going on behind the walls.

Ash has a new toy, though, which is none of my concern. I just want this day to be over. That is all.

I see all the girls sitting in front of me; everyone of them was talking to one another. There's two girls on one desk, and the only desk with three girls on it were the three, Clara, Taylor, and Shelly. They looked so happy. None of them gave me even a second look. They didn't care if I existed anymore. "Serves me right." I said with a slight hurtful chuckle.

Soon someone entered the room, and the loud and heavy steps were enough to make everyone look behind them at the gate of the room. I saw who was at the gate. Shawnel King. He just entered the room without giving it a second thought. He had a single notebook and a pen in his hands, hanging as he swung them up and down. Everyone was so attentive to his aura. He came over and sat next to me on the same desk. What?

What's he doing? My heart is racing right now. Jumping up and down in my chest. Shanel King is sitting with me. How? What? My expressions mirrored those of everyone else in the room. Why would he sit with me, the new loner? I didn't dare to speak anything to him. I just stared ahead of me, and I felt the heat that radiated through his body. He didn't say anything either. We both just sat and listened to the lecture, and just like that, as soon as the lecture was over, he got up from his seat and looked at me, and then he looked at the three witches sitting in front of us. I don't know what the look was that he gave them, but they were sure terrified of him. That is the difference between Ash and Shaw. Ash no doubt was famous because he was what you call the class clown, and most of the girls did like him but people genuinely respected Shaw, one reason could be because he usually kept to himself and had the guts to say what's wrong is wrong. In this case, he did stand up for me. He didn't say anything out loud but he did tell off the entire class on my behalf and, being honest, it felt really good. It felt so good that I could easily cry. And I don't know how, but soon enough, I did hear the rumors dying down, and people stopped looking at me with those eyes. Those judgmental, hurtful eyes. I wonder, how did he do that? How could he help me out without even stuttering a single word?

Thank you Shaw.....

*Next Chapter Coming on Friday*

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